Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

It's kinda weird because I feel like with a lot of these chat threads, the person that starts them just quits after a while. I just noticed that on a lot of threads and think it's a bit strange

Well, people change interests, life happens, many different reasons. But I get what you mean
Yeah, it's pretty much pipd bumping this thread, then we have fun here for some time, and then we kind of stop again. So thank you pipd😅

Haha, well, I feel obligated to bump it every now and again--I'm not really in any other chat threads so I wouldn't get to chat much otherwise! 😁
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It definitely feels like that sometimes, I think maybe because chat threads make people feel more welcome to post whatever they want, it makes for a more natural conversatio (look at me being all sophisticated and stuff)
A lot of people have given me looks for this because it's kind of an odd choice, but I'm actually wanting to get a degree in dental hygiene and work in a dental office.
embarrassed blush.gif
That's a great career choice! Job security, really good pay, and I think it would be so satisfying to scrape the crud off peoples' teeth! 😅
4 would be better, but probably not a necessity
I think I might agree with you - I really feel like 4 bantams would be better than 2....perhaps I'll make the total 10 chicks and not tell my husband, but then I'm gonna end up with 12 because ... you know... hatcheries....and BAM - I've got 20 chickens :oops: . I REALLY hope I can find a local food pantry that takes egg donations. 🙃 #help


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