Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

Hi Again,
A little about Dh and I .
We are 70ish...........3 children,8 grandchildren................

I have had chickens for 40 or so years but did not get serious about learning until about 10years ago.
We have, over the years, raised all kinds of livestock. It became to hard for us to haul hay ect.
The chickens are perfect. They are perfect for therapy.( gives us a reason to get up and out daily)
After my Dh's open heart surgery, he went into a depression that really worried me.
Then he started helping with the chickens.
We had a big ole Roo named Boots..........It was not long before I would see DH snoozing in his lawn chair with that Roo on his lap also taking a nap.
Dh was hooked.
The chickens gave him every thing he needed for his recovery, made him get up and move and a purpose to get better.
I limit the breeds to a few so I can do a good job with them.
I am adding Buff Orpingtons this year. We hatch all winter and sell started pullets in the Spring.
The Buffs fly out of here. If I advertise Blues or blacks, people seem to think they are a different breed.........

We sell eggs (for eating
) and donate extras to our little food bank.
I plan to sell English Orp hatching eggs later..........I am testing some right now. Want to be sure they are what I would want to receive.
I have purchased eggs from several people on this thread and always receive great eggs...
I am so grateful for me something to look forward to every day....and I meet the nicest people.......
I currently have BO's , a few Serama, English Orps, and Silkies in the incubator.........
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If you don't like hair stay away from pyr's they shed all year long and you have to constantly brush them. I have a lint roller in my house, car and I have to roll again before starting to work. You sweep daily and there sti is hair. I love mine and she is beautiful, but I could do without so much hair

lol.. german shepherds shed more...  we've had both for awhile.. the shep leaves piles of hair (thanks ceiling fan)... you would think the dust bunnies are taking over the world by the amount of hair that gets blown into corners... and under furniture... and in the air...

but if I had to choose between having people in my life or the shedding dogs.. I would take the dogs in a heartbeat!!

Me too. I have 3 dogs, all she'd and yes I have ceiling fans also and dust bunnies. You would think it was snowing all summer in our yard as Zoe will stand on picnic table for me to brush her
My MF bantam cochin eggs just arrived- all 14 in perfect condition even though the box looked like the freaking USPS played soccer with it! Thanks, Reyvaughn!

I'll be on the lookout for some English Orpington eggs in a few weeks! (for all of those who have them and are interested in selling a few..)

Also looking for some Heritage barred rock eggs then too

just gotta get the rest of this hatch done and a good bator cleaning done on the beasts.. lol
Autocorrect got her! Just wanted to say she has croad langshans not cross. Rare and beautiful can't wait to see how purple the eggs are!!
I am married with 3 kids (7, 2, and 2 months), 2 dogs, 4 cats, and I don't know how many chickens. I live in a small small town and when I tell people I have chickens they're stunned. And then I tell them I sell hatching eggs and they just go hazzy eyed. Haha! I have:
New hampshires
Rhode Island reds
Barred rocks
Crested cream legbars
Silver laced wyandottes
Partridge orpingtons
Isabel orpingtons
Jubilee orpingtons
Gold laced orpingtons
Blue/gold partridge brahmas
Cross labgshans

In the bator:
More barnies
Ayam cemani

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