Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

Disregard, I forgot you said it was a cabinet. :)

Oh, it's not a cabinet. It's a Brinsea-20, like these:

ETA: it doesn't turn the tray, it turns the body of the bator. I knew that, I already have one. My mind is on vacation today. But that thing sticking out is what the cradle catches on to turn it.

I have 2 of the Octo 20's and neither one has that. They must have changed the turning mechanism - it certainly needed to be changed. :/ Does it still have the flimsy arm connecting the base to the motor? Does that piece keep the bator from spilling the eggs out if the arm breaks? That would definitely be an improvement!
Thats why i dont buy those expensive pieces of junk....i've heard more people having issues with brinsea then i can even count. I will stay with my real Janoel, it has been flawless, not a broken part yet and everything is solid and sturdy. Janoel also beats out hovabator... someone on the Janoel thread did a comparison hatch.

i know people love their brinsea's but i cant see spending that kind of insane money when i can get something thats better and bigger with auto turner for almost half the cost or less of the brinsea models without turners.
Thats why i dont buy those expensive pieces of junk....i've heard more people having issues with brinsea then i can even count. I will stay with my real Janoel, it has been flawless, not a broken part yet and everything is solid and sturdy. Janoel also beats out hovabator... someone on the Janoel thread did a comparison hatch.

i know people love their brinsea's but i cant see spending that kind of insane money when i can get something thats better and bigger with auto turner for almost half the cost or less of the brinsea models without turners.

I looked into getting a Janoel, but I read dozens of bad reviews that scared me away from them.

With the Brinsea, I can set it and forget it. It's in the mudroom where the ambient temperature can fluctuate 20 or 30 degrees or more between night and day, or one day to the next, especially in the winter when it's 80F one day and 20F the next..

The Brinsea keeps a rock solid temperature through all that.
I have 2 of the Octo 20's and neither one has that. They must have changed the turning mechanism - it certainly needed to be changed.
Does it still have the flimsy arm connecting the base to the motor? Does that piece keep the bator from spilling the eggs out if the arm breaks? That would definitely be an improvement!

I had it wrong! I honestly never paid enough attention. The part sticking out must be from the innards.

Here's my current Brinsea on and off the cradle.

I looked into getting a Janoel, but I read dozens of bad reviews that scared me away from them.

With the Brinsea, I can set it and forget it. It's in the mudroom where the ambient temperature can fluctuate 20 or 30 degrees or more between night and day, or one day to the next, especially in the winter when it's 80F one day and 20F the next..

The Brinsea keeps a rock solid temperature through all that.

The bad reviews are on the Janoel knockoffs...the real janoels are stellar. The knock offs are for example 5lbs lighter then the real 5lbs less of material they took out to make it cheaper to manufacture.

A little about my incubating enviroment.

45-98+ temps in my house, the incubator sits in front/under a window..there is a vent that cold air comes up thru the floor and blows cold air 1 ft away, the incubator sits 3 ft from the front door that we use. i have put thermometers in there all over and cant find a temp difference of even 0.5F and it has been running constantly for over 3 months now. i also dry hatch in it so i dont even have to add water. The eggs go in...18 days later they go to lockdown in the hatcher and thats it. It has a full digital read out and automatic temp, alarm, day counter, auto turner, and humidity read out..all for $86 including shipping. So yeah i cant see a brinsea doing a better fact the people who heat with wood who have brinsea have mentioned more then once about it having trouble holding temp because of the wide variance in ambient temps.
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Ebay lol...the seller is back ordered so he changed the price to $999 to keep people from ordering... It will come back down, normal price he sells for is $89.95(excuse me i remembered it wrong so i checked what i paid) including shipping.

Search Janoel 48 then change your "sort" to price+shipping highest will be the top listing at $999.95 just watch the listing and when he gets more you will see the price down back down though i dont know if he will keep it at $89 including shipping he may go up to like $95 or $100 which is still super cheap.

If your in a hurry you can get one for $120 on amazon with free shipping.

I will message him and ask when he is expecting he will not be back ordered any longer, i'm waiting to buy another one too.
Amazon is sending me a new one, it's supposed to be here Thursday. They are going to pay UPS to pick up the damaged one.

The problem is, it will probably need to run a day so I can make sure it's working good before I put eggs in it. I'll have to stack the Sebright eggs in my other Brinsea for a few days.

I've got Ermine Marans eggs and turkey eggs waiting, so they'll have to wait a few days longer, which I don't like. The longer they wait, the less viable they will be.

I wanted to order the Brinsea at the beginning of the month, but I had to make sure first I could swing it financially. So now I'm cutting things too close.

It's really annoying to have to deal with all that.

Just a word of encouragement.... I've aways had good results getting a brinsea up to temp in two hours and another hour if fine tuning was needed. Maybe they won't need to be double stacked too long...good luck!
I had it wrong! I honestly never paid enough attention. The part sticking out must be from the innards.

Here's my current Brinsea on and off the cradle.

that's the one i have. It's really convenient for the small time hatcher like myself. I've had perfect hatches with it. I was gonna buy it on amazon but the one with the cradle was somewhat expensive that's when I found it cheaper on hayneedle for about 30-40 dollars cheaper.
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