Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

kept thinking about those isbar eggs came back and auction had finished already thank goodness... I'm starting to go broody...bring on the hatching season!
My suspicions have been verified. I have an egg laying rooster. I know, it don't sound possible but it apparently is. I bought 3 "hens" from auction last year. One got sick and died about a month after I got them which left 2. I was giving both the remaining 2 a good look over and for some reason I didn't notice the spurs on the red one till the look over. So I figured I have a pair, oh well no biggie. I've been getting 1 egg from their pen all winter till now. The remaining hen started deteriorating and got to the point she could no longer get around. So I had her propped up in a sitting position so she could eat and drink since she was still eating. I was giving her vitamins everyday trying to get her strength up. This started last week. I saw the "roo" sitting in the nest which is up on a platform that the hen could no longer get to. I thought that was weird but not unusual. The hen was so weak yesterday that I knew she would not last another day and today I went to check on them and she was dead still in the same spot I sat her in. I looked up on the shelf and there was an egg. These eggs I've been getting have all been jumbo sized with thin shells. This egg I got today was the same. So it has to be the rooster that laid it.

This rooster has spurs and crows but does not have rooster like tail feathers or the long neck or long legs. He is hen like except for the spurs and crowing. DH doesn't believe me that he laid the egg. If it and he wasn't so muddy I would have vent checked him. It's gonna rain for the next few days and as soon as it dries out I'm gonna vet check him, and trim his spurs again. He is the only one in the pen now so any more eggs has to come from him with no doubt.

My suspicions have been verified. I have an egg laying rooster. I know, it don't sound possible but it apparently is. I bought 3 "hens" from auction last year. One got sick and died about a month after I got them which left 2. I was giving both the remaining 2 a good look over and for some reason I didn't notice the spurs on the red one till the look over. So I figured I have a pair, oh well no biggie. I've been getting 1 egg from their pen all winter till now. The remaining hen started deteriorating and got to the point she could no longer get around. So I had her propped up in a sitting position so she could eat and drink since she was still eating. I was giving her vitamins everyday trying to get her strength up. This started last week. I saw the "roo" sitting in the nest which is up on a platform that the hen could no longer get to. I thought that was weird but not unusual. The hen was so weak yesterday that I knew she would not last another day and today I went to check on them and she was dead still in the same spot I sat her in. I looked up on the shelf and there was an egg. These eggs I've been getting have all been jumbo sized with thin shells. This egg I got today was the same. So it has to be the rooster that laid it.

This rooster has spurs and crows but does not have rooster like tail feathers or the long neck or long legs. He is hen like except for the spurs and crowing. DH doesn't believe me that he laid the egg. If it and he wasn't so muddy I would have vent checked him. It's gonna rain for the next few days and as soon as it dries out I'm gonna vet check him, and trim his spurs again. He is the only one in the pen now so any more eggs has to come from him with no doubt.


One of your silkies?
My suspicions have been verified. I have an egg laying rooster. I know, it don't sound possible but it apparently is. I bought 3 "hens" from auction last year. One got sick and died about a month after I got them which left 2. I was giving both the remaining 2 a good look over and for some reason I didn't notice the spurs on the red one till the look over. So I figured I have a pair, oh well no biggie. I've been getting 1 egg from their pen all winter till now. The remaining hen started deteriorating and got to the point she could no longer get around. So I had her propped up in a sitting position so she could eat and drink since she was still eating. I was giving her vitamins everyday trying to get her strength up. This started last week. I saw the "roo" sitting in the nest which is up on a platform that the hen could no longer get to. I thought that was weird but not unusual. The hen was so weak yesterday that I knew she would not last another day and today I went to check on them and she was dead still in the same spot I sat her in. I looked up on the shelf and there was an egg. These eggs I've been getting have all been jumbo sized with thin shells. This egg I got today was the same. So it has to be the rooster that laid it.

This rooster has spurs and crows but does not have rooster like tail feathers or the long neck or long legs. He is hen like except for the spurs and crowing. DH doesn't believe me that he laid the egg. If it and he wasn't so muddy I would have vent checked him. It's gonna rain for the next few days and as soon as it dries out I'm gonna vet check him, and trim his spurs again. He is the only one in the pen now so any more eggs has to come from him with no doubt.

My stepfather had a RIR that was the same way. Her spurs were about 4 inches long and she would crow (not as strong as a real rooster) and she would even fight other roosters.
So I am wanting to post an auction, but I have no idea on how shipping works. Like what size box, and how much it costs. Does anyone know what size box I should use for 6 eggs and how much it would cost? Thanks!

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