Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

I did! They have been coming to my house almost everyday checking up on their ducks. They are talking about moving to another property so they can take back all their ducks. I honestly don't want to give them back, considering how they dropped them off on me, and haven't even paid for feed costs. So I might not give them back unless they pay me back for feed, water, housing, and the struggles they caused me. But I really don't want these lovelies being dropped off on someone else who might not take care of them properly. The couple is very nice but uncaring of their actions. The couple keeps bringing bread to feed them.. I keep telling them not to do that, but they ignore me.
About 15 of the Muscovy's turned out to have respiratory issues and are now over coming it. All have been doing wonderful and are starting to look beautiful. Once I find my camera, I will show you some pictures!

Yeah, they wouldn't be getting them back without buying them from me. You dump them on me, I take care of them, they're mine now. Want them back? Then you're buying them, if they're even for sale.

Sorry about the respiratory stuff. Did you get a test done to see what it was? Hopefully not mycoplasma or the like, which never actually goes away and even passes through the eggs to the unhatched babies so that you can't even sell hatching eggs without spreading it. Had that here once, had to cull everything and start over :(
Yeah, they wouldn't be getting them back without buying them from me. You dump them on me, I take care of them, they're mine now. Want them back? Then you're buying them, if they're even for sale.

Sorry about the respiratory stuff. Did you get a test done to see what it was? Hopefully not mycoplasma or the like, which never actually goes away and even passes through the eggs to the unhatched babies so that you can't even sell hatching eggs without spreading it. Had that here once, had to cull everything and start over :(
How do you get. That diagnosed?
Maybe folks are waiting for eggs in time for the Easter HAL? I believe the set date is the second weekend of March.
We started out about six weeks behind in getting breeding pens set up, and candled last night. We still haven’t decided if we’re going to ship eggs, or just sell locally this year. So far, only mixed Silkies, BLRW, and Lavender Orpingtons are confirmed. Of those, only the Silkies will be sold. The others are still a work in progress. Seems our BCR rooster is shooting blanks, and we have no back up this year. I’m so disappointed. We just bought Marans chicks from Papa’s Poultry, so we hope to be back in the game next spring. Hopefully we’ll be seeing some nice eggs posted soon! Happy hatching everyone! PJ
I did yesterday! I was just wondering where everyone was. I wonder if the early arrival of chicks to TSC has folks not wanting to hatch when they can get instant gratification?

I have so much fun hatching, that the cute chicks at TSC no longer tempt me. My problem is, once the chicks hatch, I have a horrible time selling them, so now I have way too many chickens and I"m still bidding on eggs. The horrible time I have selling them isn't the market - it's me unable to give up the babies....
I have so much fun hatching, that the cute chicks at TSC no longer tempt me. My problem is, once the chicks hatch, I have a horrible time selling them, so now I have way too many chickens and I"m still bidding on eggs. The horrible time I have selling them isn't the market - it's me unable to give up the babies....
And you just about to win more hatching eggs in my crazy 24 auction. LOL :ya

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