What a warm welcome! Thanks guys. Most of the Google searches I have done about ducks have brought up pages from this message forum. My next step is to read your guidelines and Forum rules. So I'm glad that one of y'all posted a direct link for that. We have been a member of other herpetology message forums in the past, with our homeschool science projects and our terrariums. We used to have a 55 gallon terrarium, but that turned out to be too much work. Now we just set up a 10 gallon terrarium every Spring/Summer. No more exotic pets! LOL. Now we just catch our terrarium critters out of the yard and let them go at the end of the summer. I really prefer the message forum format to social media networks. We don't do Facebook. The other main place where we do most of our research is YouTube. So that's where I spend most of my time researching. I love to read, but my children are just beginning, (at ages 4 and 5yo now), so videos are much easier for them. The local duck farmer, who I connected with from my local farmer's market, and who introduced me to joining here, is duckydonna. She is a very kind woman. She has consulted some of the duck experst here on my behalf to determine that I have 2 male pekins. I'm very pleased to be part of this community now and look forward to further research and knowledge from all of you guys here.

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