Check Out My New Button Quail Pen!

Rozzie, I am curious about something. I think it's awesome that you give your buttons so much space. I was just wondering, do you have them inside your house, or do they have their own building? I have a few buttons as well, and I would love to keep them in cages that large but my house isn't big enough for cages that size. And none of my outdoor buildings are temp controlled, so I keep them all indoors.

Also, since I am new to keeping buttons, I am going to ask a question (or mabye two!) here, since there are so many button experts on this thread, LOL. I think there was a post earlier saying that if you keep them in a covey that there need to be more males than females?? Shouldn't that be the other way around? My oldest male, George, is incredibly mean to any other males, and even to any new female that I try to introduce. The mean little guy even killed two babies that his hen managed to hatch!
He is such a tough guy that he attacks my hand when I reach in to feed or take out their waterer or whatever. I don't mind him attacking me, I think it's funny, but it makes me sad that if his hen wants to set I have to take him out before the babies hatch. None of my younger group have tried to set yet, so I don't know if my other males will do that or not. Is that common at all? If not, will he pass that temperment on? I have one of his sons I had planned to keep.
I agree with quailladyoffortmyers
1. Button Quail (Chinese Blue Breast Quail) do best in the pairs.
2. They don't need a lot of room. I have tried every type of cage possible for these quail and mine are happier in the smaller cages and safer too as they can't get up to a high enough speed to hurt them themselves if they get scared. My cages are very similar to the ones in the photo.
3. Mrs. Fluff Lets this bird roam the room so it is not going without extra exercise.

I since then made another cage out of an old dog cage and put the 3 half grown buttons ( including Buddy ) in the pen. And since I hatched out 5 baby buttons I started on another larger cage. I am almost finished with it. But this morning I noticed that both of the males were chasing the female around so I think it's time I separate one of them ...
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I agree with quailladyoffortmyers
1. Button Quail (Chinese Blue Breast Quail) do best in the pairs.
2. They don't need a lot of room. I have tried every type of cage possible for these quail and mine are happier in the smaller cages and safer too as they can't get up to a high enough speed to hurt them themselves if they get scared. My cages are very similar to the ones in the photo.
3. Mrs. Fluff Lets this bird roam the room so it is not going without extra exercise.

I since then made another cage out of an old dog cage and put the 3 half grown buttons ( including Buddy ) in the pen. And since I hatched out 5 baby buttons I started on another larger cage. I am almost finished with it. But this morning I noticed that both of the males were chasing the female around so I think it's time I separate one of them ...

Yep! Sounds like time to separate them to me too! I would hate her to get hurt in the middle of them going "She's Mine! No She's Mine". They don't even have to attack her, just scare her bad enough that she crashes hard into the side or the roof of the cage. I learned this the hard way when I first started.

I saw farther on in the thread the photos of the new cage. Great job! They look like they like it.

I think you are doing great with them.

P.S. I still stand by that pairs are best, but I understand to if yours have to be in a colony for a while but colonys and coveys always lead to fight after a while and if you break up a pair they will mourn for their mate for a while. There are many who keep these quail that have had the second female in a trio be turned on and killed overnight. Colonys and trios can lead to bald plucked birds too.

Just my two cents from someone who has raised them for about 2 years.

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I stand by 1 pair per cage is best and yes, some males and even some females will attack the babies. Some males are very good Daddies and help Mom with them. Some people don't risk it and take out the chicks when they hatch and put them in a brooder. It all depends on that Button's temperment. Sounds like you are doing a good job keeping an eye on things to me.
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I assure you when they are paired up, there are less problems. Button quail are the most misunderstood little quail and the more you tend for them the way they are meant to be, the better life they will have. They can live up to 8 years in captivity.
Here is the second cage I built that has the 2 males and 1 female. We're going to town this Friday, so when we go to town I can get another waterer and feeder for the new cage I built and finished just today. Do you think it would be okay to keep them in the same pen until this Friday?

The second pen the 3 quail are in -




Birdy ( Female ), Itty Bitty ( Male behind Birdy ) and Buddy ( The face sticking intoday the camera!

This is the Quail Cage I Finished today. It's the largest one yet!
I am thinking about making it into a "Two Story" quail cage, that way I can put 2 pairs in there instead of just 1 pair.


Mrs fluffy, I really suggest NOT having 2 males and a female in one cage. They may seem fine right now but one day a pair will be established and there will be bloodshed. Too many customers come crying to me saying that their button died...I asked how the birds were housed and I hear "trios, "colonies, " "too many males, I stuck the bird with them..." All I can say is "I told you so..."

The Chinese Blue Breasted quail aka button quail is the most misunderstood little quail. Because they are the smallest quail in the world, people take them for granted for their "cuteness."

I just dropped two pairs of button quail from different age groups to a butterfly conservatory a few days ago. I have been teaching children and adults about these little birds so they can be properly educated.

One pair was released two days prior to the second pair. The first pair loved their new territory.

Now this territory is large enough for 3 pairs but I suggested 2 pairs as it would be easier for them to designate their territory and be OUT OF VIEW of the other pair.

I introduced the other pair two days later as I promised. To prove that the birds were monogamous, I introduced the new pair where the other pair was chilling.

This is what happened: The new female jumped out the carrier first. The pair that was there chased the female off...the second male jumped out the carrier to HIS mate after the female ran into the nearest bush...the original pair: the male stood up tall and took his mate, they walked across the bridge together and to the other side of conservatory which is now their new territory.

I came to visit the conservatory and saw what was expected. One pair occupied one half and the other the other half....PROOF that these birds are monagamous...

Now if they were in a cage together...there would be pecking involved and death could result.

I just wanted to share this observation so you guys don't thing I am just saying this stuff.

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