Sorry for your losses! Hope all is better soonHi there, thank you for reaching out! I had a very unfortunate year with my rafter.. half of my chickens got racooned. Once we caught the bugger all was well for a while. Then one evening whilst I had the turkeys out free ranging, a pack of coyotes swooped in and got ALL of my brood! It all happened so fast and quiet, within 10 minutes all of my turkeys were completely gone or dead. 6 bourbon reds, 4 norfolk black, and all 8 of my recently hatched norfolk poults.. along with the rest of my chickens. I am taking a break this year, I am still a bit devastated. Taking this season to clean out the coop and do some rearranging, as well as try to get more security. I do have 3 chickens at the moment, but the wind is pretty out of my wings right now. Hope everyone is doing well