Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Doing great with my flock of 9 hens. Had to take one to the vet due to an egg (or 2) broken inside her. I wasn't able to get it all out but the vet was, thank goodness. That was back on March 1st and she's dropped one soft egg from the perch since then... nothing else. I'm actually hoping she doesn't lay eggs because they are too big for her and sometimes the shells aren't hard enough (regardless of the calcium provided). I've had to prepare myself for the possibility she needs to move on to hen heaven but so far, she's sticking it out with us!


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Doing great with my flock of 9 hens. Had to take one to the vet due to an egg (or 2) broken inside her. I wasn't able to get it all out but the vet was, thank goodness. That was back on March 1st and she's dropped one soft egg from the perch since then... nothing else. I'm actually hoping she doesn't lay eggs because they are too big for her and sometimes the shells aren't hard enough (regardless of the calcium provided). I've had to prepare myself for the possibility she needs to move on to hen heaven but so far, she's sticking it out with us!
Pretty photo! ❤ Hopefully the gal that lays the soft eggs stays healthy. I had a hen that laid thin, soft and no shelled eggs. No amount of calcium helped her either. Just keep up the lovin' on her and your flock!
Doing great with my flock of 9 hens. Had to take one to the vet due to an egg (or 2) broken inside her. I wasn't able to get it all out but the vet was, thank goodness. That was back on March 1st and she's dropped one soft egg from the perch since then... nothing else. I'm actually hoping she doesn't lay eggs because they are too big for her and sometimes the shells aren't hard enough (regardless of the calcium provided). I've had to prepare myself for the possibility she needs to move on to hen heaven but so far, she's sticking it out with us!
Wishing you luck with your hen!
Pretty photo! ❤ Hopefully the gal that lays the soft eggs stays healthy. I had a hen that laid thin, soft and no shelled eggs. No amount of calcium helped her either. Just keep up the lovin' on her and your flock!
Doing great with my flock of 9 hens. Had to take one to the vet due to an egg (or 2) broken inside her. I wasn't able to get it all out but the vet was, thank goodness. That was back on March 1st and she's dropped one soft egg from the perch since then... nothing else. I'm actually hoping she doesn't lay eggs because they are too big for her and sometimes the shells aren't hard enough (regardless of the calcium provided). I've had to prepare myself for the possibility she needs to move on to hen heaven but so far, she's sticking it out with us!
They are very cute!

Other vitamins can help with soft shells, like vit. D.

You can try,aps,126&sr=8-1

It is added to the water.
Thanks! I used liquid Caltrate at the time. Some birds can have something wrong with their shell gland or the inability to absorb the proper nutrients. I was never able to fix my gal.
That is very true! and very large eggs will be thinner. I have one that lays eggs over 90G...Poor thing!

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