Chesterfield County man held without arrest.

Looks like they sent him in for a 72 hour psych hold, and then decided to commit him. I don't think there is enough information here to make much of an evaluation on the validity of that action. I do know that in most areas getting a psych hold isn't that easy. Eminent danger to themselves or others is usually the criteria.

Just remember the outrage with the Virginia Tech shooter that no one did something about him before he went on a rampage. And remember the Unibomber, caught because his writings were published, and his brother recognized them and had the courage to turn him in.
Incarceration is incarceration regardless. Holding someone against their will for future possible crimes is illegal and violates our rights. I do think sometimes it is best but it does infringe on our rights.
Incarceration is incarceration regardless. Holding someone against their will for future possible crimes is illegal and violates our rights. I do think sometimes it is best but it does infringe on our rights.

Are you saying the 72 hour hold and the 30 day commitment are illegal ?


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