Chesterfield County man held without arrest.

Actual the LEOs involved have put there selves in hot water. There are times a warrant is not needed to "detain" someone. I see none of that here.

The did arrest him no matter what they want to call it. They say they brought him in for questioning but that is the same thing unless he came by choice. They said he resisted so he did not. They were not there by order of the family or by order of a mental health professional. A warrant is needed for what they did.
No sorry still wrong. It's not a crime to be crazy.

I know which is why they needed the warrant? Our cops will gladly arrest you illegally.
Actual the LEOs involved have put there selves in hot water. There are times a warrant is not needed to "detain" someone. I see none of that here.

The did arrest him no matter what they want to call it. They say they brought him in for questioning but that is the same thing unless he came by choice. They said he resisted so he did not. They were not there by order of the family or by order of a mental health professional. A warrant is needed for what they did.

Sorry wrong. Do we know what he said to the officers ? If he showed he may do harm to himself or others they had a duty to detain him and take him to a mental health professional. It was that professional that puts a 72 hour retainer on him and then some other mental health professionals decided to extend it to 30 days.

Sorry wrong. Do we know what he said to the officers ? If he showed he may do harm to himself or others they had a duty to detain him and take him to a mental health professional. It was that professional that puts a 72 hour retainer on him and then some other mental health professionals decided to extend it to 30 days.

They were going to detain him without even talking to him. They went to his house to immediately arrest him, not interview him and decide from there.
The police cannot order a psych hold, but they can request one. A judge can also order someone involuntarily held.n As I've read the Virginia law, a judge has to order the commitment. None of the news coverage seems to detail anything; certainly not a court order of detention. Most say little more than "ex-marine detained involuntarily for facebook posts". I would like to see a full news account. I think there is much more to the story than is being reported.

Involuntary commitment is not easy, nor do judges send folks off to the loony bin willy-nilly.
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