Chesterfield County man held without arrest.

Man, I hate the Patriot Act. Congress signed away so many rights with that one...due process, speedy trial, right to face accusers, etc. And it keeps getting re-uped with little or know fanfare.
So.... we all agree that Big Brother is indeed watching?

because i really, really love world peace
pretty yellow flowers
and fluffy white bunnies

This one really caught me because under current legislation, I may one day be labeled a threat and detained....son is a vet, own multiple firearms with lots of ammunition, store more than 7 days worth of food (mostly just stuff I've grown and canned at home), missing a digit.....scarey, scarey stuff!!!!

OH, maybe I shouldn't have posted that on a public forum, but then again, I'm sure Big Brother already knows this about me.

But, seriously, I was discussing some things (via email) with a buddy of mine who is a BIG conspiracy theorist (they can be really convincing) and some of those "red flag" words were in one of the emails. Something happened with my email account, and it was "temporarily out of service" for three days. Kind of made me nervous!!


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