chick bedding


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
i have 6 2 day old chicks that i keep on paper towels.i was wondering when i can put pine shavings or pine pellets in for them.
I left them on paper towels for 5 days, then I let them onto the shavings. My 1st set of chicks, they went onto pine shavings at a day old. (I didn't know that it was an issue then, but they did fine)
why is it an issue?

Sometimes chicks don't know the difference between the shavings and the food in the feeders because they just haven't learned about a feeder yet. Once they know where the food is and are eating reliably then they are fine on shavings. Some people do the paper towels some don't. I had mine on shavings from day one, just showed them the feeders and watched to see that they were all finding it and eating well. I've never had a problem.
great cause the paper towels are a pain when the poo comes...
i lined the bottom of my brooder with paper towels and the i put rubber shelf liner you use in cabinets. when it gets dirty just take the chicks out shake off the liner replace the paper towels and your good to go for while. keeps the smell down to a minimum
What do you do if their little toes get crusted poo on them? I use newspapers for the first week or two and after that they just walk on the wire bottom of the brooder cage I have. What should I do differently?

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