Chick behavior when introduced to run

Make sure they didnt get scared by anything but my chickens were to scared to go in or out of the coop at first. So supervise them outside for 30 min to an hour and if something scares them you will know or if they were scared of being out.
Thanks! I did spend time with them in the run throughout the day and also checked in on them when they were huddled in the coop. Still don’t know if they were scared or just up for nap time in the coop. But I do know they love the run! What a wonderful and interesting life transition this is!
New pullets (and cockerel) in new surroundings can do unpredictable things...but my gut tells me when I see that kind of behavior, something startled them and they ran to the coop for cover.

Now that something could have been almost anything in their little minds...but you might want to check to make sure you don't have hawks or coons or something making a "drive by" to the new tasty nuggets in the drive through.

Hi there — thanks! I did spend a bunch of time with them in the run and coop throughout the day. Our coop is in a secure barn and the run is secure inside a fenced paddock. Our Great Pyr usually hangs out nearby … so I don’t think it was a predator. Who knows what it was. I’m glad they seem to have solid instincts — curious but vigilant — and a good roo is among them!

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