Chick chirping really loudly before bedtime


May 9, 2020
Calgary, Alberta
For the past 2 days one of my 6.5 week old chicks has been peeping like mad right before bedtime. She quiets down once it gets dark out, but for a solid 2 hours she throws a “temper tantrum” during evening hours. What can I do to stop her from doing this?
Does anything else seem amiss? As long as she seems healthy and the coop or brooder are all okay, I wouldn't worry. Keep an eye on her and make sure nothing changes. But maybe she just has a lot to say and wants to get it off her mind before bedtime:lol:
Does anything else seem amiss? As long as she seems healthy and the coop or brooder are all okay, I wouldn't worry. Keep an eye on her and make sure nothing changes. But maybe she just has a lot to say and wants to get it off her mind before bedtime:lol:
Nope, all is fine for them. I’ve covered up the roof openings to darken the coop before sunset, and she was chirping for about 20 mins and then quieted down.
Our little pullet does this as well. She complains when it is bedtime. She and her brother are inside (they are tiny bantams and it's winter where I am) and until it's completely dark our Squeaks (who lives up to her name) will moan and carry on most piteously. She started it when she was around 6 weeks old as well. She's just turned 8 weeks old and she will carry on for at least 20 mins, just like your little chick. :idunno
Our little pullet does this as well. She complains when it is bedtime. She and her brother are inside (they are tiny bantams and it's winter where I am) and until it's completely dark our Squeaks (who lives up to her name) will moan and carry on most piteously. She started it when she was around 6 weeks old as well. She's just turned 8 weeks old and she will carry on for at least 20 mins, just like your little chick. :idunno
Darn! From this evenings experience, I think I need to get the birds in the coop as soon as the excessive chirping starts, and cover up the vents which let light in. I found them like this a few mins ago, must be getting to the age where they need a higher roost :)

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