Chick colours


In the Brooder
Sep 24, 2023
My sweet hen is currently on 22 eggs in an unplanned clutch from the polish rooster next door.
First sweet baby was hatched today (omg!!!)
I've only ever had plain black chick's born here. What will this sort of colouring turn out like roughly!
Does the yellow mean bub will be a gold colour or does the black coming through mean it will go dark. I'll attach photos of mum, dad and first bub.
I'd love any help. Super excited as we havent had chicks in about 9yrs❤️


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I've only ever had plain black chick's born here. What will this sort of colouring turn out like roughly!
Does the yellow mean bub will be a gold colour or does the black coming through mean it will go dark. I'll attach photos of mum, dad and first bub.
The chick will probably grow up to have some black and some gold or white in the feathers.

Chicks with that basic color & pattern can have their colors arranged in various ways when they grow up. Based on what I see of the parents, I would expect the gold or white to be concentrated near the front of the bird (like the gold on the mother, and the light colors on the father) and the black to be more at the back (where the mother has white, and the father has black.)

Chicks with a Polish parent are likely to have crests on their heads, and v-shaped or other shaped combs. The crests may be smaller than what the Polish rooster has, and the combs may be bigger than his (due to how the genes interact when Polish is crossed with something else.)
OMG 2 more completely different coloured babies just came out from under her!!
Amazing and so cute definitely assuming the light chick will be gold like her ?


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OMG 2 more completely different coloured babies just came out from under her!!
Amazing and so cute definitely assuming the light chick will be gold like her ?
The mother has a gene that turns black into white. The first chick did not inherit that gene, but the light chick probably did.

That chick might be gold like her, or it might be mostly white all over. I think the rooster probably has the silver gene (turns gold into white), so some chicks will probably inherit that from him.

You are likely to get quite a rainbow of chicks from that pairing :)
The chick will probably grow up to have some black and some gold or white in the feathers.

Chicks with that basic color & pattern can have their colors arranged in various ways when they grow up. Based on what I see of the parents, I would expect the gold or white to be concentrated near the front of the bird (like the gold on the mother, and the light colors on the father) and the black to be more at the back (where the mother has white, and the father has black.)

Chicks with a Polish parent are likely to have crests on their heads, and v-shaped or other shaped combs. The crests may be smaller than what the Polish rooster has, and the combs may be bigger than his (due to how the genes interact when Polish is crossed with something else.)
Appreciate that thank you will be interesting too see how hopefully she changes.

I need to add another photo there's 5 now and all different lol
The mother has a gene that turns black into white. The first chick did not inherit that gene, but the light chick probably did.

That chick might be gold like her, or it might be mostly white all over. I think the rooster probably has the silver gene (turns gold into white), so some chicks will probably inherit that from him.

You are likely to get quite a rainbow of chicks from that pairing :)
Perfect!!! They are pets so will stay here with us ❤️ all 16 of ours have names etc so these will too. Now to hope there's more hens than roosters 🙈🤣🥴
These 2 are next one little black baby that's very cute and another light with 2 black smudges in her head!


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The mother has a gene that turns black into white. The first chick did not inherit that gene, but the light chick probably did.

That chick might be gold like her, or it might be mostly white all over. I think the rooster probably has the silver gene (turns gold into white), so some chicks will probably inherit that from him.

You are likely to get quite a rainbow of chicks from that pairing :)
That's really interesting I've never looked into genetics of the colours before.
She's on 23 eggs one I don't think is any good and the others I have candled since a week ago so will be interesting to see how many hatch
Really appreciate your help. Such a great morning 🐣❤️
That's really interesting I've never looked into genetics of the colours before.
Genetics can be a fun puzzle for some people (including me.) But I know some other people find genetics too complicated to be fun, and some people are just not interested. I'm never sure which people will enjoy it and which ones won't :)

She's on 23 eggs one I don't think is any good and the others I have candled since a week ago so will be interesting to see how many hatch
Really appreciate your help. Such a great morning 🐣❤️
If she laid all the eggs herself, you could get quite a few colors of chicks.
But if some other hens added eggs to the nest, then you could get even MORE colors of chicks!

These 2 are next one little black baby that's very cute and another light with 2 black smudges in her head!
Since there is a black baby, I'm going to guess the "white" one (2nd chick you posted a photo of) is going to grow up mostly white. It probably has the genes to be black all over, and then the gene to turn black into white. The light one with black smudges might grow up white with a few black dots. That also happens when a genetically black chicken is turned white (it sometimes misses a few bits.)
Genetics can be a fun puzzle for some people (including me.) But I know some other people find genetics too complicated to be fun, and some people are just not interested. I'm never sure which people will enjoy it and which ones won't :)

If she laid all the eggs herself, you could get quite a few colors of chicks.
But if some other hens added eggs to the nest, then you could get even MORE colors of chicks!

Since there is a black baby, I'm going to guess the "white" one (2nd chick you posted a photo of) is going to grow up mostly white. It probably has the genes to be black all over, and then the gene to turn black into white. The light one with black smudges might grow up white with a few black dots. That also happens when a genetically black chicken is turned white (it sometimes misses a few bits.)
I love colour genetics but have mostly focussed on horses so loving the chicken ones

She as 7 now one just hatched in front of me

All the eggs are hers they are easy to tell apart from our others.

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