Chick death


8 Years
Jul 20, 2013
Hi, I had my first chick death today. I have raised 16 chicks over the past 6 years and have never lost one. They shipped in from Iowa on Friday when I picked them up from my usual local source. All 4 were eating and drinking well and being very active. They have a continual clean water source and they are on Scratch and Peck starter. When I checked on them this evening one was very weak and died before I could do anything about it. My question is regarding the other chicks who are still acting completely normal. Would you suggest adding Karo Syrup or another sugar source to their water for some added energy? Maybe making a gruel with water so they would take in more liquid? Hopefully this was the only one that I'll lose but I wanted to make sure there was nothing else I could do proactively. Thank you in advance.
It could’ve been shipping stress, but I’m not sure. You can try giving them a little sugar water just in case. I’ve had a batch where I lost only one and it was because of that. Everyone else was normal but for some reason, she just couldn’t handle it.
It could’ve been shipping stress, but I’m not sure. You can try giving them a little sugar water just in case. I’ve had a batch where I lost only one and it was because of that. Everyone else was normal but for some reason, she just couldn’t handle it.

I got 60 chicks this year, and lost 3. 2 were from a more fragile breed so was expected to lose some, one was a local buy, so no shipping stress. Unfortunately chicks just die sometimes.
Thank you to you both. Yes I called the store that I got them from and he thought shipping stress that this one chick just couldn't handle. I will give them a little sugar water. I have karo syrup as well as sugar - any suggestions for how to make it up?

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