Chick from a Light Rock hen and a barred rock rooster

thanks for the info. I figured that it was too early to tell however; I read somewhere that some people can tell by the spot on the head and the leg wash...

I'm not a patient girl!!
praying for a female lol
A large messy head spot usually indicates cockerel, while a small round head spot usually indicates pullet. Using that method it looks like a cockerel, but you can tell for sure once they feather out when they become older, so I would wait before you assume anything :)
OH GEEZE, I hope that's not the case... but I will love the little fuzzy no matter what.

The rooster that fathered this little cutie is a big mouth. he crows constantly, hopefully its not a trait that's passed on.
The head spot/leg wash thing only works if both parents are barred, and even then it's not always right. I'm not sure what you mean by Light Rock hen. Do you mean columbian?

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