Chick Identification

Looks like Bobs to me...

Disclaimer: I am no expert
It can be confusing.

To me the Bob's seem to have a slightly more round head then the Coturnix. They seem to have richer, darker colors, the body a little more round and compact, and the beak seems shorter, and a little more curved and pointy than a Coturnix.

I haven't had Bob's in years, but do have Coturnix right now. unfortunately no pics of when they were that size though.
Their beaks are different. Look at the beak on your pics, then look at the beak on these:

In coturnix, the top beak is straight, just like the bottom beak. In 'not-coturnix', the top beak is curved over the bottom. I don't know enough about the other quail types (gambel, valley, etc) to tell the difference between them, but I can surely tell when something is not a coturnix!

Your babies look like bobs.

With bobs and coturnix, there are also differences between the size/shape of the stripes, but the beak is the easiest way to tell.
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