Chick keeps sneezing? Allergies?


May 2, 2019
Hi everyone! I have this about 7 week old satin silkie. The sweetest little boy ever! (dna sexed)

He sneezes a LOT when he’s outside (not so much inside). We have 6 babies in his group, and we take them outside for some adventures while we’re getting their coop and run together. Every time he’s outside, he sneezes pretty frequently and it’s been like this we began taking them outside just to explore at about 3 weeks old.

He doesn’t sound like he has trouble breathing, not lethargic, no mucus coming from his nostrils or eyes, he eats and poops just fine and otherwise acts like a normal chick. None of the other 5 sneeze like this and they have been around him since we got them all as day olds, so I don’t think he has an infection. Could he have allergies? If so, is there something I can give him to relieve it?

Pic to show him off!
Hi everyone! I have this about 7 week old satin silkie. The sweetest little boy ever! (dna sexed)

He sneezes a LOT when he’s outside (not so much inside). We have 6 babies in his group, and we take them outside for some adventures while we’re getting their coop and run together. Every time he’s outside, he sneezes pretty frequently and it’s been like this we began taking them outside just to explore at about 3 weeks old.

He doesn’t sound like he has trouble breathing, not lethargic, no mucus coming from his nostrils or eyes, he eats and poops just fine and otherwise acts like a normal chick. None of the other 5 sneeze like this and they have been around him since we got them all as day olds, so I don’t think he has an infection. Could he have allergies? If so, is there something I can give him to relieve it?

Pic to show him off!View attachment 2177922
My chicks were sneezing, but it turned out it was a cold, I think it may be allerges, but I am not a expert.

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