Chick order from Ideal - shipping questions - Update: LOST in snowstorm :(

UGH! The not knowing is killing me

Still no updates via the PO or Tracking #. I am going to call in again in the next 15 mins or so, but if they aren't here are the 12:00 delivery they are stuck somewhere. I just don't understand why Ideal sent them early, and without checking with weather or me?

Cherie - I hope yours make it there ok! At least your PO is helpful and can give you options! Mine claim they have no clue what is going on or where they would be if not delivered.

Fingers crossed for both of us!
It is very stressful. I once had 3 day olds shipped (not a good idea) express mail aka overnight. They didn't arrive overnight and since tracking is only updated when they change hands with USPS, not the other carriers they usually use, there was never an update. Extremely rare chicks lost and no one knew where they were. They arrived a day late. They were all alive, they had eaten all the food, all the mandarin orange placed for moisture and all their poop. Breeder chicks are so hardy. The next few hours they were frozen in ice cold water due to a March deluge that flooded their building just a couple hours after new food and hydration. They still all lived.
Usually once they leave the city where they were shipped from, they're out of USPS hands and tracking won't update till they get back in USPS hands in the destination city.
I'm worried since we're both in the same boat with chicks that shipped from the same last known location that we might be lost is space with a whole truckload of chicks.. That's the indication I've been getting when I called. The PO lady said she's only had two mass deaths since last summer.. One a few weeks ago during that freeze and the other in the summer heat so I know that locals here at least care they're living creatures
Thanks for the words of encouragement. So will they be scanned coming OFF the plane in Philly? Or not again until after they are moved from the Airport to my Local PO? If off the plane they are not in the state. I REALLY think hope is lost until tomorrow. I normally wouldn't be so worried, but it is so cold and there are only 12 chicks (no packing peanuts). Whenever they do come I plan on bringing an extra heat pack and sugar water to the PO for them.
Update as of 10:30 AM on USPS's main page -

Winter Storm Thor
The Postal Service is monitoring conditions as Winter Storm Thor moves from the Midwest and South to the East Coast. The storm is bringing snow, sleet and freezing rain, and may cause flooding in some areas.
Major metropolitan areas including New York City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, DC and Baltimore could be impacted by the storm.
Postal operations will continue as normal, as long as it remains safe to do so.
They'll be scanned if they're in USPS hands. In my case, the chicks were never scanned till after they got to my P office. By that time I was already there.
Its good to hear they're not expecting delays but that doesn't make me feel any better about the chicks that aren't here today!

I'm going to mix warm sav-a-chic and give it to them in the car assuming I have any to give it to. I think my murry McMurray order came on the morning of the 3rd day and all 36 lived and there was gro-gel still in the bedding but I didn't think to ask if they put some in the box at Ideal. I have 55 coming..
Its good to hear they're not expecting delays but that doesn't make me feel any better about the chicks that aren't here today!

I'm going to mix warm sav-a-chic and give it to them in the car assuming I have any to give it to. I think my murry McMurray order came on the morning of the 3rd day and all 36 lived and there was gro-gel still in the bedding but I didn't think to ask if they put some in the box at Ideal. I have 55 coming..

I asked about the grogel and they told me if you add it they just tape it to the box (aka - it's not mixed up or available to them). They said it will spoil in the box, so it is just an add on for when you get home. I have Sav-A-Chick mixed up and crumbles ready to go for them in the car IF they arrive today. I think as long as they come today they will be fine. My concern is if they are delayed until tomorrow and it's so cold.

At least you have 55! They will be able to keep each other nice and warm. I only have 12 so am worried they will freeze before they starve.

The last truck was SUPPOSED to arrive btw 12 and 12:30, but as of about 20 mins ago they hadn't gotten there yet since the roads are so bad here. I was instructed to call back by 1:30 if I don't get a call before then. I HIGHLY doubt the airport was even open though. I would be shocked if mine make it to PA today.
No chicks. The guy said that there is nothing he can do, no numbers to call...if they are dead tomorrow when they arrive he will ask his supervisor what to do.

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