Chick panting and unable to walk


9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Bishop CA
I was worried about the last of my hatch and went to check on it after school today since we had just had a huge rainstorm. I saw this little buddy was pipping (last one and very late). I gave him a day and a half before examining the egg. The poor baby couldnt get out of the egg. He was so ready to get out, he was a puffball in the shell, already dry. He is probably a bird I shouldnt have helped, admittedly, but he is my only Faverolle chick of the batch and I was really excited for him to hatch. I helped him out a bit and left him alone, but when I came back later he had made no progress. I helped him a little more and he managed to sort of tumble out of the egg. He was curled up as though he was still in the egg and stayed this way for a couple of hours after. He wouldnt uncurl or stand or even lay on his stomach. He would roll over onto his side or on his back with his head under his wing. This whole time he has been panting constantly, quickly with short breaths. Now, nearly 5 hours after his "hatch", he is able to sit up but very oddly. He sits on his butt, like a person. With his legs out in front of him and his wings out to balence. I think with time he will be able to stand, but I am worried about the panting. He is drinking but not eating. He was pooping clear liquid for a long time and is pooping dark brown poops now and often. He has had the symptom since hatching along with the leg/balance problems so I figure it has nothing to do with spraddle.

I have him on eloctrolyes and vitamins at the moment in his water and he is separated from the other chicks and under a lamp in a box with his mamma close by.

Can anyone tell me whats wrong/what I should do to help him?

Here's a photo of the poor guy. Its a bit blurry

He is still alive this morning! I need to go to school, and I think I will try to bring him with me and nurse him there since nobody is home to help him drink and he cant go w/ the others yet. I put him in the same box in a tub under the lamp and the mom tipped him over into a corner. ):

He is having a hard time drinking with his breathing now too
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I have really never heard of that happening before, but what i would do would be to watch him/her very carefully and let time take its toll. Knowing that you cant do anything about it at the time, also knowing that his/her mother is there i think that you have her help him/her because she knows what she is doing i was also wondering if you could help me out with this question and a problem that i am having. I will post it under this one.

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