Chick possibly premature!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
I've got 5 eggs in the incubator and they're due to hatch on the the 8th Feb so i havnt stopped turning them yet. However when i was candling them earlier one of the chicks looks like its broken into the air sack. I think its done it too early though so i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what to do. Should i stop turning that egg? or if it looks like its struggling should i make an air hole in the shell? It hasn't pipped yet.
I also would leave it alone and stop turning when you normally do.

Sometimes when I candle close to the time, like you - I see a bump into the aircell. I think, not sure but think that it is just the chick moving around and getting into position.

I have only had bantams hatch early - sometimes on day 18 even - but they are fully formed, sac absorbed chicks.
Ill just keep a watch on it, It was cheeping earlier. The chicks are for a friend so i dont really want to lose any of them. There was a couple of the others that had small lumps into the ari sack but this one looked to be in it more. Ill keep my fingers crossed
I third the motion to leave it alone. I also suggest you stop candling before you go crazy with worry!

Happy Hatching!
ok, so i left the eggs overnight and went to go check the incubator this morning and the eggs pipped and the chicks still sheeping. Do you think now is the right time to stop turning it?
What have your temps been?? What kind of chickens??
If your temp has running a little high, you may have an early hatch. Also, as someone else mentioned, bantam breeds will sometimes hatch early.

DON'T turn this egg. DON'T candle. You have a pip...leave it alone. If I were in your position...I would go into lockdown now. Slowly raise your humidity to around 65% & just wait.

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