Chick scratching sore

Apr 30, 2021
Rocky Mountains
I’ve got one chick with a sore on the back of her head. No idea what happened, but I’ve been watching it for a week or so. She’s 1.5 weeks old. And it’s looked great until last night- it’s enflamed and sore looking. I’ve separated them because at first I assumed it was because of pecking, but the more I watch her, the more I realize it’s probably because she’s scratching it like crazy. I’ve put some neosporin on it (the kind without pain reliever). What can I do??
I have no idea. She’s the only one with the issue. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hi LavenderMotherHen, another member did have a case of a chick with mites, the little one was the only one showing symptoms while being together with other chicks:—allergy.1464379/

I don't know if it could be mites in the case of your baby, but if only one shows symptoms, mites can't be ruled out at that point.
I hope you can find the cause for the itching soon and help your chick - best wishes for your little one ❤️

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