Chick With Curled Toes

I have taped two Chicks feet up and one is doing fair but the other one is not. She will drink but not eat. She wants to walk but she can't.
I put a few drops of poly- vi- sol in the water to help with a deficit with Riboflavin.
Maybe we should put a sprint on her leg, but don't know how. I also have two eggs in the incubator that you can almost see the chicks back. It looked like they were going to come out any minute but they have been still for almost two days now. How long should I wait for the eggs to hatch? I hatched 20 eggs out of 48. I guess the other eggs in there were not fertilized. Do you have any information that would help?
I know you can find a lot of threads by people with experience in helping chicks out of the shell using the "Search" box at the top of the page. Try typing in something like "help chick shell" and it should bring up helpful information.
I hope the chicks make it
My Newley hatched chick probably has this
when it walks the toes are to curved to the point where if it walks it's foot goes into the middle, the foot will hurt if you touch the chick, I don't want it to be in pain
As soon as possible, check to see if it has a Slipped Tendon in its Hock! There is info on this on the Poultry Podiatry page on the website linked in my sig below.
I'm quite new to the world of chickens and am not quite sure wether or not it's slipped. I moved his/her leg around and it didn't seem to hurt, the chick acted as though it felt normal.
It might not be a slipped tendon??

Can the chick stretch out and straighten each leg itself? A chick can't straighten a leg completely if it has a slipped tendon.

Do you think the chick may have Splayed Leg / Spraddle Leg? There is info about that near the top of the Poultry Podiatry page.

If you would be able to post a video of the chick standing & trying to walk, that might help in figuring out the trouble., too.

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