Chick with injured beak

Georgia Nana

8 Years
Jul 13, 2011
Kathleen, Georgia
I have 4 three wk old Ameracauna chicks in a pack and play grow up pen. Today I noticed that one chick's lower beak is really crooked. It is easy to move back and forth, and moving it does not seem to hurt her. DH thinks it's always been this way, but I hatched out these babies, brooded them for 2 weeks in the house, and handled them daily, and she was Fine then! Could she have broken her jaw? They do not fight, have plenty of room, and the mesh on the Pack and Play is really small. Has anyone ever had this happen to a chick? I am old, but Surely I would have noticed a cross beak if it is congenital!
I have a chick that looked fairly normal at first and its beak is getting increasingly crossed. She is an americuna as well, seems to be common with them. It's a shame, I don't think she'll have a good life it's getting so bad.
It is heartbreaking! I watched her drink and she got some water. I haven't seen her eat but her little crop is full. Don't know what to do! I cannot watch her starve to death! This is the first cross beak that I have ever had. Can they survive with the malady?

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