Chick with weak legs

So hes just droopy? Mareks usually presents with leg paralysis and cocci with weakness, droopiness, sleepiness progressing to not eating/drinking and bloody poop. Can you look up Mareks and coccidosis and see if either of those fit? I'm not real experienced with Mareks, but there isn't much you can do about Mareks besides supportive care.
Weak legs, droopy wings and a lot of sleeping. And he eats chick starter.
I think I left him indoors for too long. I didn't even know rickets existed until yesterday. :/

Can you show a picture of him standing up and of his poop?
Does he always sit on his hocks like that - any sores on the hocks?
How long has he been like this?

He's cute little thing. The toes look a bit drawn up - you may want to start him on poultry vitamins that contain Riboflavin (B2) or crush a human B-Complex tablet and add it to his chick starter.

The symptoms you describe could be a number of things as @andreanar mentioned - vitamin/nutritional deficiency, genetic/developmental disorders, Coccidiosis and certain diseases can all have similar symptoms.

If you have a vet that can test a fresh sample of his poop, just to rule out Coccidiosis that would be a good idea.
Hmmm. His toes weren't curly yesterday, but now they are.

Thanks everyone, for the advice so far.

I hope it is not too late for him.

Edit: I now have a picture of his poop.


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Hmmm. His toes weren't curly yesterday, but now they are.

Thanks everyone, for the advice so far.

I hope it is not too late for him.

Edit: I now have a picture of his poop.
Those toes curled up like that is yelling riboflavin deficiency to me. I would get some poly-vi-sol without iron at Walmart (its a children vitamin), give 2 drops in beak twice a day. You can add it to water also if you need to. I'm just not sure of the water/vit ratio.
Those toes curled up like that is yelling riboflavin deficiency to me. I would get some poly-vi-sol without iron at Walmart (its a children vitamin), give 2 drops in beak twice a day. You can add it to water also if you need to. I'm just not sure of the water/vit ratio.

Ok thanks. I'll get it as soon as I can. Is there anything else I can give him in the meantime?
You can try beef liver, a little milk, salmon, eggs, spinach or any leafy dark greens. Those are some foods high in b2. Do you have any chicken supplies like nutriDrench or anything else on hand?
B complex for humans is a good and cheap supplement containing riboflavin--crush 1/4-1/2 tablet per day on some chopped egg or food. Most chick vitamins have it EXCEPT for Poultry NutriDrench for some odd reason, but use all as directed.
Ok I just got the vitamins. I'll let y'all know how he is in a week. Thanks so much for the help. ^^


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