Chick won't stand, eat, drink or lift it's head. Help!

dot n'dave

10 Years
Jan 11, 2010
We have a four week old barred rock that I found this morning just laying with it's head tucked into her chest. We have 25 total in a brooder with seemingly adequate space. When I picked her up to examine her, she has no wounds. Her neck feels fine. And her legs, feet, and wings move freely. It's just that she won't lift her head. When I bring her head out slowly to she her the food and water, she doesn't take it. This is very sudden. Last night everyone seemed normal. We feed them the normal Blue Seal medicated chick starter. We have isolated her for the moment and are going to do a complete fresh bedding change. We'll post pictures in a moment.


Awww. Good luck with her. I don't know much about chicken illnesses. Is there a roost in her brooder? Is it possible she fell off the roost and broke her neck?
That was one thing we thought of also. We do have one, but its not too high, but maybe if they were rough housing?
Thank you, for the idea.
Do a search under "wry neck" -- I could be wrong, but it looks like a reasonable place to start. And it seems to me that issues like this are frequently nutrition/vitamin related. Do you have children's poly-vi-sol WITHOUT iron? Dribble a few drops on her beak. If she begins to perk up and will take some food try some scrambled egg.

Most importantly do a search for "wry neck".

We're going to look into that MissJenny. Thanks.


While we were taking the pictures with the chick on the table. She nearly did a somersault and tried to do a roll over her head. Maybe she's off balance as well. Also, she seems to be breathing rather heavily.
It does sound like wry neck. I would immediately start her on poly-vi-sol (without iron) 1 drop in her mouth twice a day for about 5 days, then decrease to 1 drop per day.

Do a search here for "wry neck" and you will find LOTS of suggestions. The problem is getting enough food and water in them to keep them hydrated and nutritionally sound until they have a chance to get over the wry neck.

I had a silkie pullet that got completely better, then suddenly had a relapse and we had to euthanize her. Good luck...keep us posted.
Thank you so much for the help. We gave her a "dose" of the poly-vi-sol, and shes just laying around sleeping. So we'll see what happens. Maybe we can dropper some water into her mouth, to get at least some water in her.
Thank you again!

I just spoon fed her water, and she drank quite a few spoonfuls. So knock on wood for improvement.

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