Chick won't take its first drink


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 22, 2009
Corvallis, OR

Just brought my three day-old chicks home and 2 have drunk and keep revisiting the water, but the black sex-link doesn't seem to have drunk (at least it doesn't appear so, the others were more obvious, opening and closing their beaks). I have dipped it's beak in the watering tray several times. It otherwise looks fine and has taken great interest in the food! I didn't see any water provided at the feed store, so I don't know if it has had any yet.

Help! Any thoughts on how to better encourage it to drink?
So I put a small jar lid in the brooder with water and a little food in it and she seems to be drinking now. Whew! Now I just need to teach her to use the real watering tray!
Creative solution
Hope it continues to go well. Have fun with your new babies.
I placed the marbles in my waterer. The chicks were too big to drown but i figured out the chicks will peck at anything brightly colored. They begin to peck at the marbles and .....Hey thats wet! Walla! drinking water. LOL

God Bless!

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