Chicken antibiotics

Respiratory infection symptoms are runny eyes, sneezing, coughing, mild to severe. The synoviae is an aggravated feature of the respiratory disease.

But now that you mentioned removing the bedding to treat the coop, that's the most likely cause of this swelling and pain when walking.

Cardboard isn't concrete but it doesn't cushion feet when landing on it. If you need to postpone installing new bedding, put down some kind of padding for the chickens to land on, such as pieces of foam mattress. Imagine you have to jump off a truck tailgate onto the ground in bare feet. How much cushioning would you need so it wouldn't hurt your bare feet to land on it? You might also consider lowering the perch. I have two roosters that I've had to lower their perch to within ten inches of the floor due to injuries. Any heavy breed chicken will risk feet and leg injuries with high perches.

You can hasten the healing of her feet with a few days of Epsom salt soaks and let her sleep somewhere that doesn't require hopping down onto a hard surface.

One time I had five pullets all show up with bumblefoot. It was because of this exact situation - high perch, no cushioning on the floor beneath. All recovered in a month after I lowered the perch.

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