Chicken attacked by a dog


In the Brooder
Sep 8, 2016
Please help!!!! I don't know a whole lot about chickens. Well yesterday a dog bit my chicken. I brought her inside and wrapped her up. She has a hole under her wing a little bigger than a quarter. Her tail looks like it was either bit or the feathers just got ripped out because there was some blood. She isn't able to walk yet. She aye yesterday, but now today she hasn't ate and will drink if I put it up to her mouth. She is breathing mostly with her mouth open. I have been spraying her wounds with this stuff called MicrocynAH.
I am really worried about her and need some advice with what else I can do or if I should put her down. She is still under a year and is my baby! Any help will be great! Thank you!
Examine her body for any ballooning of her skin, which can indicate a leaking air sac, common in injuries. Keep her quiet in a basket inside to watch her closely. Keep offering her water frequently, and get some SaveAChick or other brand of electroytes and vitamins to put in her water. Poultry Cell or Poultry NutriDrench 2-3 ml orally would be even better than SaveAChick. Offer some soft chopped scrambled egg or canned tuna/salmon to coax her to begin eating. Chickens usually suffer from shock after an attack, but as long as they are alert and start drinking they have a good chance of recovery. Wounds can heal and feathers will grow back. Tube feeding is a good option if she doesn't start eating within days. Good luck.
Thank you for replying. Do you know where I could get the vitamins and electrolytes without ordering online as that will take a while.
She is in a dog kennel inside the house right now making a lot of bocking noises. I did try the scrambled eggs and she ate them yesterday, but won't today. She also keeps breathing with her mouth open. Is this something to be concerned about? There are no sign a of lesions other than the hole that is under her wing that goes through to her flesh. What about over the counter pain meds. Are there any I can give to her?
Thank you for replying. Do you know where I could get the vitamins and electrolytes without ordering online as that will take a while.
She is in a dog kennel inside the house right now making a lot of bocking noises. I did try the scrambled eggs and she ate them yesterday, but won't today. She also keeps breathing with her mouth open. Is this something to be concerned about? There are no sign a of lesions other than the hole that is under her wing that goes through to her flesh. What about over the counter pain meds. Are there any I can give to her?
Do you have a Tractor Supply or similar feed supply store? They should have what @Eggcessive suggested.

If not, you can use infants/children's Poly Vi Sol (no iron).
I put my son's heat pad stuffed animal next to her on the side that's wounded because my basement is kind of chilly. Do you think this will be ok? It's the one with beans in it. I got Poultry Cell for her and she will drink it if I put it close to her mouth.

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