Since there are 304 billion persons living in the USA, if everyone of them sent Congress $2.00, it would almost cover the bailout. Almost.
Well, you forgot to put in there that IF we will send you 'just' one dollar, to feed your chickens, those $$ must also cover your salary for feeding them, the cooks salary for cooking them and the gas to go by their feed!! So now, we all need to send you $20.00 each!!!! When that runs out--YOU can pass another bill (heck --just go ahead and give yourself, the cook, the drive a raise) and give yourself more money because you spent that on a new 10,000.00$ chicken that was suppose to lay gold eggs... :mad:
Interesting...........If I do that can I be a small business or claim them as dependents on my tax return. They DO depend solely on me. Why didn't they address a chicken bailout in that debate tonight..........sheeeesh..
I'd help y'all out folks.... but ya see, I live in California and since we can't seem to pass a budget to save our very lives... well, I have no $$$. Gotta send all I have to Sacratomato so the state can pay its' IOU's.

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