Chicken Beak injury- please help

Hi everyone, thank you for your comments. We took her to a local vet and they recommended she be put down. We are just hobby chicken owners and don't have the heart to cull her ourselves so she was put down yesterday by the vet. We fixed the coop before night came, basically there is a gap between the roof and the walls and it was sealed with chicken wire and now we have sealed it with hardware cloth so hopefully no more visits from the raccoon.
:hugs I'm sorry.
I’m sorry about that. The damage does look severe. If it helps, I am the type to never take my chickens to the vet. I just don’t have the money for it and would rather cull.
Until you are able to fix the coop and make it predator proof, I would suggest you take the other two girl in as well, as the raccoon will be back for sure.
I'm sorry about your hen :hugs

I agree, it looks bad.

Not sure if you can help her through or not. Some have been able to survive, but it's a long hard road and you would have to be committed to caring for her. She'd have to be willing too of course. Miss Fluffy Bum did survive

With any injury that severe, putting her down is something I would consider doing. I'm so sorry that you are facing this.
I'm so so sorry! I would keep her comfortable and make sure the vet knows it's very severe. I don't think she will make it because her beak is almost completely ripped off.
OP gave an update on Post #13 (see below)
Hi everyone, thank you for your comments. We took her to a local vet and they recommended she be put down. We are just hobby chicken owners and don't have the heart to cull her ourselves so she was put down yesterday by the vet. We fixed the coop before night came, basically there is a gap between the roof and the walls and it was sealed with chicken wire and now we have sealed it with hardware cloth so hopefully no more visits from the raccoon.
I am very sorry about the injury.
Yes, she is in shock. Pull her inside, make sure to use a damp only Q tip to clean the comb area. You can apply a little bit (dab)of Triple Antibiotic oint to the area.
The beak area is another issue. You will need to use a dropper to give her Nuti drench or any electrolytes to get her hydrated. Make sure No liquid gets into the nose vents. You may have to drop the liquid to the back of her throat. Keep her warm and quiet in a dark place.
You will need to set your alarm tonight every two hours to give her fluids.

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