** Chicken BEE STING. What to do?**

Thank you for this post! My chicken got stung on the head/ neck area and was having a hard time breathing and went into shock. I did actually see it happen and knew that she was stung from one of my honeybees. She was opening and closing her beak (similar to a fish out of water) was kind of drooling and was off In a corner hiding and out of it. Her eye was swollen shut. I ran to the store and did the 1/2 mil of children's benedryl with a glass medicin dropper. Held her and kept her warm for about an hour. Pet her and calmed her. She was even shaky. I locked her and the other girls up for the night and hoped for the best.... She was fine the next day! Thank you. I truly beleive I would have lost her had I not done anything.
My hen got attached. Must've been 50 bees on her. My husband put on his new suit and rescued her. We've given children's Benadryl, put baking soda paste on stings and moved her inside to keep cool. She survived the night, but her eyes are still swollen shut and she's still and quiet. So far so good

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