Chicken Beginnings


9 Years
Oct 10, 2014
Ravenna, Ohio
After many years of research, most of them here on BYC, I have finally gotten my chickens. We have 10 Isa Brown Pullets and 4 Americauana straight run chicks, of which I believe at least 1 is a hen. I wanted at least 1 Rooster so that is why the straight run. I wanted Buckeye chicks, but TSC never seems to get any of those, so I got what I could when they dropped to 2.00 a chick. I heard that Isa Brown are very good with people and I needed that trait as my wife has a fear of birds. I have also been told Americauna roosters are very good at their jobs and easy to deal with. So far all is going well with the chicks, and they are starting to develop character after 2 weeks in my coop. Their growth is evident, they seem to love the environment I have provided them, and they absolutely Love it when they get juvenile meal worms. I have included a pic of their Brooder box and eventual roost and egg box, when they get big enough. Please excuse the remaining mess as I continue to improve their coop, the chicks don't seem to mind the mess, they are very inquisitive.

Congratulations on getting your long-awaited flock!
Thank you, thank you, it has been a long wait. Luckily my wife saw to it to overcome her fear to alleviate my desire to have chickens. It has been 20 plus years of researching chickens to finally get to this day. I'm definitely ready.
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This is 1 of the Americauna's that I believe is a rooster, because he is so much bigger than everyone else and bossy too. He is exploring the roost all by himself. Jumped up there twice, looked around, strutted proudly and then left.


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