My experience with Tractor Supply chicks


Professional Chicken Chaser
Jul 18, 2023
The Keystone State
I have gotten most of my chickens from Tractor Supply. 🐔 Mostly follow the same story other people use about them jumping into my box, into the cart, on the checkout counter, and into my car, and somehow came home into my brooder. I tell myself all the time, I'm just going to get shavings and duck feed. But I come home with pine shavings, ducks feed, and 4 cute baby chicks. 😂🤣
" But they are Buff Orpington, Easter Eggers, Black Copper Marans, Wyandottes! " It really doesn't matter what breed they are, if they are a cute, little baby chick - it's most likely coming home. And that's how I almost have 100 chickens right now. The same happens year after year! haha 😂😂😂 Last year I doubled by flock doing this!! 🐤❤️
Anyway I have always had a pretty good experience with chicks from Tractor Supply. My first chickens came from Tractor Supply and they were Isa Brown, I really wasn't pleased with them because they died so soon about a year old - but that wasn't Tractor Supply's fault, that's just the breed that they are!!
The only time that I really wasn't pleased was the time that I got 4 '' Barred Rock. '' One my favorite chickens had died that day very suddenly, I found out that it was sudden death syndrome, and I was feeling really sad about it. :hitI though some chickies would help a little bit, and they did. 😢
But as they grew only one developed Barred patterns. They other 3 turned out to be Black Australorps. I wasn't really upset about it because they are really cute too!! 😊🥹❤️
One day I was in Tractor Supply, picking up what I always need to get pine shavings, because at the time I didn't have ducks.
My best trip was when I was getting my chicks in April and I always call down to Tractor Supply to see what they have there before I order baby chicks from Meyer Hatchery, and they told me about their 25 cent deal. Really all is it was, if you get 20 Straight Run baby chicks you can have them for 25 cents each! That was a deal that I could not pass up. And as they grew, I only got 1 male. lol What are the odds!! I told myself the next person that thought the same as me probably got 19 males and 1 female!! 😂😂🤣
I have gotten many many other chicks since then and have been pleased with them as well. I just got some Midnight Majesty Marans from there, and that was the first time I seen them there and wanted them and they were only 5 dollars each. If you order them from a hatchery, they are like 10 - 15 dollars!! And out here in the country, most of the time chickens don't last long without nearly or getting eaten by a predator! :rolleyes:
So anyway I could go on and on about my chickens but .... :duc:lau
Thank so reading and I just wanted to post this to tell you my experience with Tractor Supply chicks, hope it helps any! :D
Also please share your experience and what you just needed to have...
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Also after reading somethings on here about where Tractor Supply gets their chicks - some locations get them from MurrayMcMurray Hatchery or even Mt. Healthy and I have heard about some My Pet Chicken - mine get them from Hoover's Hatchery and I heard that the chicks are not vaccinated from Marek's as well. Just a second thought that I had that I wanted to share. :)
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard about Tractor Supply mixing up their breeds. Like you said, aren’t they sourced from a hatchery? Do they drop the boxes on the floor and then have to remember which chick goes where? That is so odd.
I think it's more of a 'don't care' attitude with a little "let's give this person ducklings instead of the chicks, and see if they notice" 😉

I'm straying more away from these box store chicks unless I've researched exactly what I want. I'll be hatching all my own this coming new year.
As with anything it's buyer beware... or in this case the buyer should be educated.
Know what the chicks should look like for the breed(s) you are getting.

They are limited on tanks so often the unsold chicks in the store are occupying tanks that would be needed to keep chicks sorted. The entire shipment gets put in one or two tanks in the back while they try to free up tanks the public can see. Then when tanks open up they have to try to sort the ones in the back....often making mistakes.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard about Tractor Supply mixing up their breeds. Like you said, aren’t they sourced from a hatchery? Do they drop the boxes on the floor and then have to remember which chick goes where? That is so odd.

A lot box stores are full of minimum wage earning kids who are just out of high school and may not be the resident chicken experts.

However, I have always been able to pick my chicks even if it’s me pointing and them handling them. Some of the responsibility lies with the consume.
A lot box stores are full of minimum wage earning kids who are just out of high school and may not be the resident chicken experts.

However, I have always been able to pick my chicks even if it’s me pointing and them handling them. Some of the responsibility lies with the consume.
You are correct. Asking for the cute yellow one with the fluffy butt will get you a meat bird rooster. 😂
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard about Tractor Supply mixing up their breeds. Like you said, aren’t they sourced from a hatchery? Do they drop the boxes on the floor and then have to remember which chick goes where? That is so odd.
I think all they are saying is “ Okay, brown chickie, a black chickie, okay little yellow chickie! “ I don’t think they are paying much attention to the labeled box that the hatchery sends.

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