Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious


Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Dec 11, 2009
Colorado Rockies
I, being a creature of habit, feed my chickens twice a day at around the same time each day. To further clarify things, I do not participate in the daylight time change, feeling it tyrannical and one of the more stupid and senseless things this culture foists upon us.

I had gone to town for groceries and upon returning home, I let the chickens out to free range. About an hour later, at 2pm, the time I usually feed the chickens, I loaded their fermented feed into the serving bowl and headed to the back door of the garage to go out to the coop and run.

All eighteen hens were crowded on the 3' x 3' cement apron as I opened the door, all facing the door arranged in a tight group. The sight was so hilarious, I'm still laughing seven hours later. A few things are very clear. Chickens definitely have a sense of time, and chickens definitely know where to find their human. And, this is spooky - they all seemed to communicate with every other hen to synchronize this clever little stunt.
Great picture in my head! I free feed mine so I had no clue.

This brings to mind my dog - DH always feeds him but is away for work & I was afraid I would forget to feed the poor guy. Turns out there is NO way he would let that happen, he stands next to his bowl, looks at me, looks at his bowl, looks at me, looks at his bowl…till I feed him. 😂 If I ignore that long enough he barks. He kills me.

I love animals. ❤️
I, being a creature of habit, feed my chickens twice a day at around the same time each day. To further clarify things, I do not participate in the daylight time change, feeling it tyrannical and one of the more stupid and senseless things this culture foists upon us.

I had gone to town for groceries and upon returning home, I let the chickens out to free range. About an hour later, at 2pm, the time I usually feed the chickens, I loaded their fermented feed into the serving bowl and headed to the back door of the garage to go out to the coop and run.

All eighteen hens were crowded on the 3' x 3' cement apron as I opened the door, all facing the door arranged in a tight group. The sight was so hilarious, I'm still laughing seven hours later. A few things are very clear. Chickens definitely have a sense of time, and chickens definitely know where to find their human. And, this is spooky - they all seemed to communicate with every other hen to synchronize this clever little stunt.
I, too, am sick to death of the back-and-forth of the Government-controlled time. Animals do NOT know if it's Daylight Time or Standard Time - it is far past time to just leave it alone!
Congress was all set to make day light saving permanent this year, and they seem to have lost all interest. In 1973 or 74, they made day light saving permanent in the US and it lasted less than a year before they changed it back. Too many kids getting killed on dark mornings going to school. Our institutional memory is pathetically short, it would seem.

I keep my clocks all on standard time, simply adding an hour if I need to keep an appointment. It doesn't seem to occur to Americans that they do not need to mess with their clocks. If the commercial world wants day light time, let them have it. It's easy enough for me to leave an hour early to meet friends or make a doctor appointment on time. The rest of the time, I operate on normal time, avoiding all the stress twice a year. Seems like a no-brainer.
They want to speak with the manager. Lol
I saw a tip on the internet that if you have to take medication at a certain time, give your pet a treat after you take your medicine, you may forget but you pet will not and will hound you for treats and hopefully remind you.
That’s actually a really good idea!
We duplicated the little stunt today. Managed to get a pic.
Those are called pinless peepers. This hen shaves her sister bald unless she wears them to cut off her forward vision. They still permit her to see downward to find food and see upward to spot danger. They aren't meant to be worn permanently, though. I only use them during spring and early summer when hormones are peaking and causing behavior issues.

Left on for many months on end, they can cause dirt and food to clog the nares as well as cause scarring from the prongs that fit into the nares to keep the peepers in place. I learned the hard way with a Cream Legbar that had her nares so clogged with scar tissue, she could no longer breathe properly.

The peepers do resolve picking issues when all else fails.
Congress was all set to make day light saving permanent this year, and they seem to have lost all interest. In 1973 or 74, they made day light saving permanent in the US and it lasted less than a year before they changed it back. Too many kids getting killed on dark mornings going to school. Our institutional memory is pathetically short, it would seem.

I keep my clocks all on standard time, simply adding an hour if I need to keep an appointment. It doesn't seem to occur to Americans that they do not need to mess with their clocks. If the commercial world wants day light time, let them have it. It's easy enough for me to leave an hour early to meet friends or make a doctor appointment on time. The rest of the time, I operate on normal time, avoiding all the stress twice a year. Seems like a no-brainer.
I don't wear a watch. Now that I have an attention seeking brat in my pocket called a smart phone I can check the time if I need to.
For people who don't know me that well I'm a bit of a time problem. "Can we meet for supper at 7pm?" I might get asked. Me, "I can't make it until after roost time." Them, "what time is that?"
Me, "dusk."
Them, "what time is that?"
Me, "when the sun goes down."

I don't get many invitations to dinner....:D
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