Chicken behavior


In the Brooder
Nov 3, 2015
I found chicken feed in the holes in the cinder blocks I set my drinker on.

Do chicken move/hide food?

My neighbor has two feeders with different feed in each one. She says she finds feed moved from one to the other.

The real mystery is how did they get the feed under the drinker?
Chickens have IQ in the lower end of the spectrum. Doubt very much they are capable of hoarding feed. Your neighbors swapped feed is also a mystery. Only thing that comes to mind is possibly mice taking and stashing a winter cache. Only way to solve this mystery may be to install surveillance cameras inside coop. Some mysteries never get solved.
Chickens have IQ in the lower end of the spectrum.   Doubt very much they are capable of hoarding feed.   Your neighbors swapped feed  is also a mystery.  Only thing that comes to mind is possibly mice taking and stashing a winter cache.   Only way to solve this mystery  may be to install surveillance cameras inside coop.    Some mysteries never get solved. :caf


I agree but it amazing how their IQ miraculously improves when it's time for food treats though! :)

Yep, mice....been there done that, dog 'showed' me they were in there.
Turn your blocks so the holes run side to side instead of up and down.
I have smart chickens - go figure - they like me to hold them too and sing to them
It is a rare possibility that some are really smart. The other day I was playing some country music. I turned around and noticed that my hens were Line Dancing....... Thinking.......... I changed and turned on some Heavy Metal.. They all started dancing faster but just like in the Rock Concerts. So I got a brain storm and decided to try hanging some posters inside their coop. I had this one and it was Rock themed..

Next day, EACH ONE OF THEM laid an egg..
I think either mice or chipmunks are hiding food in the concrete blocks. Chipmunks especially can be a real nuisance, always trying to tunnel under the house etc.

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