Chicken being bullied


Jun 12, 2020
I have seven Golden Comets in a run 24ft by 10 ft with coop in the middle. No problem with room. A few days ago I have one of the hens, which I believe is the lowest in the pecking order, walking around the run and then starts to quietly chirp. Several of the other chickens start chasing her and pecking at her. It is not a predator alert. Not sure why she is doing this. She seems not to be sick. Also, they all are just barely over a year old. All laying well. She eats, drinks, grooms, lays, etc. Just walks around and starts a quiet chirping sound and then gets pecked on or chased. Anyone know what's happening? Will it get worse?
I would say if she is the lowest in the pecking order it’s probably the other hens showing their dominance. Maybe just keep an eye on it and if they re not hurting she’s probably ok
We are watching her and it seems that her chirping noise seems to be what is provoking the other chickens to chase her. I am wondering why she has started that chirping noise.
Is your run just one, big, open rectangle so that all the chickens can see each other all the time?

If so, you probably want to add clutter to break up the line of sight and give chickens the ability to hide from each other (which is one of the ways a subordinate bird shows proper respect for a dominant bird).

Read this thread for ideas:
We are watching her and it seems that her chirping noise seems to be what is provoking the other chickens to chase her. I am wondering why she has started that chirping noise.
Would you be able to post a video of the noise she makes? I know it can be hard to get these things on camera, but I’m just wondering because I have a pullet who is being bullied and also makes an unusual low chirping noise. Maybe if we found out if it was the same noise it would be easier to find out the cause?
The run is a rectangle shape but the coop sits right in the middle so that creates a break. We have two different places in each corner of the run for them to jump up on to roost at night time and she will jump up on that to escape the chasing but when she jumps off to go eat or drink it goes right back to her immediately doing that clucking chirping sound and that alerts the ones that aggravate her and they begin the chasing again. Thanks for the link to read. Adding something to give her a place to hide is something I will try! She has the coop she can run into but none of the chickens ever go inside except to lay eggs.
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Would you be able to post a video of the noise she makes? I know it can be hard to get these things on camera, but I’m just wondering because I have a pullet who is being bullied and also makes an unusual low chirping noise. Maybe if we found out if it was the same noise it would be easier to find out the cause?
I will see if I can get a video to post so you can hear the noise she makes.
The run is a rectangle shape but the coop sits right in the middle so that creates a break. We have two different places in each corner of the run for them to jump up on to roost at night time and she will jump up on that to escape the chasing but when she jumps off to go eat or drink it goes right back to her immediately doing that clucking chirping sound and that alerts the ones that aggravate her and they begin the chasing again. Thanks for the link to read. Adding something to give her a place to hide is something I will try! She has the coop she can run into but none of the chickens ever go inside except to lay eggs.

As creatures of the forest floor, chickens do best when they have an environment that mimics that natural environment.

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