
9 Years
May 3, 2014
We had a possum get in our coop yesterday and my girl got bit but we stopped it from getting any more serious. The others were just scared crazy, my poor roo is in a state. Sapphire seems good, I just want to know how I would go about keeping it clean, dressing, should I take her to the vet, have any of you dealt with anything similar? She is about 2 1/2 years old. I know these aren't the greatest but it's night and she's resting. She's pooping and it didnt get her vent, just a little close to the leg joint. She is picking at food and I think drinking, but I've been wetting her food, giving nutridrench and we've cleaned with peroxide once and put antibiotic ointment on it as well.


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Poor girl. Trim feathers back from the wound. You can flush it with sterile saline. I would not use peroxide, but there are other solutions you can use like chlorhexadine and betadine. You would have to look up the dilution ratios. I would definitely treat with triple antibiotic ointment like neosporin. Also, supportive care like a heat source, vitamins and electrolytes in the water and extra protein to help rebuild tissue would be good. Please keep us posted! I'm sure others will be along soon to help, too, but I need to go to bed soon.
Thank you. I was thinking saline solution, did not think before the peroxide just wanted to clear out germs. She didn't want me to touch it this morning. I c oooi uld set up the heat lamp but I don't want to make her too hot. She is eating and drinking. Gonna get yogurt for her and I'm giving her nutridrench. Wondering if anybody has used anything else on wounds too, like nustock or anything.
Thank you. I was thinking saline solution, did not think before the peroxide just wanted to clear out germs. She didn't want me to touch it this morning. I c oooi uld set up the heat lamp but I don't want to make her too hot. She is eating and drinking. Gonna get yogurt for her and I'm giving her nutridrench. Wondering if anybody has used anything else on wounds too, like nustock or anything.
Thank you. I was thinking saline solution, did not think before the peroxide just wanted to clear out germs. She didn't want me to touch it this morning. I c oooi uld set up the heat lamp but I don't want to make her too hot. She is eating and drinking. Gonna get yogurt for her and I'm giving her nutridrench. Wondering if anybody has used anything else on wounds too, like nustock or anything.
How has your girl been doing?

Yesterday evening I found a possum going into the coop and hiding behind the rooster. I got a tool and pushed it out. So glad I got there when he did!

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