Chicken block swap due June 15th

Wow this one is generating tons of interest!

I found two applique patterns w/ mom and chick that I thought looked cool enough to be interesting and simple enough for a first time applique'er

I blew the pic up on the computer screen and traced them, now I have to make the individual pieces patterns. One is more simple and I think I'll start w/ it, but I am really wanting to do brights on a b/w background so I have to go to the fabric store to see what b/w fabrics they have. I'm hoping for something chicken/farm/or insect related.
I found a few that really got my eye too! Looking forward to this swap. I am very excited and nervous at the same time. I am only done one other swap a few years ago, and I think this is what I needed to open the door to my sewing room and get started.....:)
I have been collecting fabrics and patterns for this one, but I have Made-myself get the others finished up before starting, my fingers are just itching to get in there and start to cut and sew, I wonder why this one is so enticing? Is it the chickens?

I still need to sew them down and add the eyes. Chicken Soup

If you click on the picture it enlarges it.

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