Chicken Breed Focus - Welsummer

Here are my two Wellie pullets at 1 week old, Ginger and Cinnamon. They are a bit more skittish in the brooder than the Ameraucanas, but when I get them out they perch on me and settle down. Looking forward to seeing these girls grow up and start laying.
Oh, the breeder I got them from seemed to have readily sexable chicks - he had four the same age and the girls were pretty distinct from the boys. I already have a 2 Marans roos that I'm growing out and I bought 4 straight run Ameraucanas from the same breeder as the Wellies, so I didn't want to choose any more roos on purpose. If it turns out we don't like the disposition of our other roos I will go back for a Wellie cockerel, they're beautiful.

I hatched my first Welsummer on the 23rd of March. sadly she (as I call it) was the only one to hatch from 4 shipped eggs, another quit half way. I'll be trying again in a few months.
It's from a breeder who is trying to work on egg colour here in Aus so hopefully if it is indeed a pullet it will lay me some nice eggs.
We just got our first chicks & our beautiful Cleo is a Wellsummer - I've been told she's a girl based on pattern, so here's hoping! She's the bravest one of our flock, always the first to get close to us or investigate anything new. (pics are at 2 days old & 5 days old)

With that eyeliner I would agree with a pretty little pullet..
I just hatched a cockerel and you can see his eyeliner is very faint
Thank you for replying.
I love their plumage.
Are they more common there ?
I've been trying to research if anyone has them in the US.
they are not uncommon in the US. I have one that was part of a 'mixed bag' from Cackle Hatchery. She is very sweet and lays beautiful dark brown speckled eggs. I plan to get more Welsummers.
Very pretty breed the Welsummer! I have never kept them but have always admired their color and feather patterns.

Another breed I need to add to my want list!!

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