Chicken Breed Focus - Wyandotte

The Wyandotte aka American Sebright, were developed in the United states in the 1870’s, in and around the New York area. The first color developed was the Silver Laced variety and they were originally called American Sebrights. The name was changed to Wyandotte (after the indigenous Wyandot people), when they were admitted into the APA in 1883. They were exported to Europe around the same time.

Wyandottes are a calm breed in general and have very nice temperaments. They are good with people and generally get along well in a mixed flock. They are decent foragers, though they do not tend to wander far and are not good flyers. They are extremely cold hardy. The hens are good layers of light brown eggs, good winter layers, will set, and are good mothers. The cockerels make a good table bird. Today they are an extremely popular dual purpose breed and very popular among small flock owners looking for a colorful winter layer.

They have a flat rose comb and bright red face. Today they come in many feather colors and patterns, with over thirty found in Europe, the beautiful Blue Laced Red and Silver Laced are probably the two most popular colors in general. They are very popular as exhibition birds. Many breeds have been used to produce the Wyandotte we know today, including Brahma, Cochin, Hamburg, and Plymouth Rocks. They are also found in bantam size.

It was removed from The Livestock Conservancy's Priority list in 2016 and is no longer considered endangered.


Breed purpose: Dual
Comb Type: Rose
Broodiness: Occasional, good mothers
Climate Tolerance: Very cold hardy
Weight: 6.5lb hen, 8.5lb rooster
Egg Productivity: Good
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: Brown

Blue Rooster - Pic by @ggarratt

Buff chicks - Pic by @Bleenie

Gold Laced - Pic by @dajen

Silver Laced - Pic by @Kelly G

Splash Laced Red - Pic by @cluckadoodledoo

Pic by @cluckadoodledoo

BYC Breed reviews:

BYC General breed discussions & FAQ threads:

Do you own Wyandottes? Are you a Wyandotte breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!
My husband got some silver laced wyandottes to add to our flock and while they are beautiful and friendly and are of a size where extra cockerels could be eaten, I am disappointed in their egg laying ability. Of all the breeds I have had, they lay the fewest eggs, which are very pale in color (tan or cream?) While I like their looks and their combs are interesting, I probably won't be getting any more.
The first pic is at about 2 hrs old then the others are as I was able to get pics. They are one day old in the last pic. All are Wyandotte's and all are from a black laced red rooster. They hatched on Dec.27th 2018. I do have 4 splash hens and 2 blue laced reds in the pen with this one rooster. I have another pen with silver laced Wyandotte's in it and another pen with golden laced in it all have matching rooster for their color markings.


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We started 2 years a go and had all kinds of chickens and then we decided on Wyandotte's. We have 4 different colors of Wyandotte's and this is one of or BLRW Hens. Miss Blue. Her mom looks just like her only larger. Miss Blue is 10 months old now.


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We have a Blue Wyandotte and 2 Easter Eggers. She is the big alpha hen. She’s happy as long as there’s food. They free range around the side yards and the backyard. But she’s never the first one to roam. When I put scraps in the compost bin, she’s never the first one to come, but she’s always the last one to leave.

Does anybody have any anecdotes related to the point above saying they don't range very far?

Our chickens seldom go over to our neighbour's garden, and my neighbour says it doesn't bother him or his wife because they don't go outside much. However our chickens are young, and will range further and further. If I could have a one-to-one with the Super Blue Egg Layer leader, I would ask he to stop leading the others under the fence for off property forages.

Of course I could always put netting on the fence, but we're in this for the long haul, perhaps we would stick to Wyandottes if they are the type of bird that don't ever venture further than an acre or so.
Silver laced Wyandotte’s are the majority of the chickens I have. (I only have two others out of 9.) But ironically, that means I really have nothing to compare them to.

I have one golden laced Wyandotte named Attila. She is not as friendly as some birds and prefers to come to you rather than the other way around, but is slowly warming up as she ages. This is her at five weeks old.
I’m more of an accidental Wyandotte owner :gig I acquired an adult trio and 10 chicks Friday form a Poultry Auction. I literally JUST went for hatching eggs for my broody silkie, but ended up getting chicks for my broody cochin Bantam. The adults were too pretty to pass up although they are currently being dewormed :hmm
The adults are Blue Laced Red and so are 8 of the chicks, 2 are Golden Laced.
The rooster:

One of the hens:

And my Cochin bantam and her 10 chicks:

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