chicken bulling -


8 Years
Jul 28, 2011
warrington uk

im hoping for a little advice n to make sure i'm doing the right thing

i have a 6*5 shed with a 5*5 enclosed run they use while no one is at home with a 9*5 run uncovered with grass n the odd weed.

i own 4 chickens 2 buff orps , 2 warrens.

one of my warrens ruby ir being bullied. she tends to get picked on by only the buff orps ( usually after they lay the egg but can go on throughout he day)

i understand every flock has one that can get bullied and be at the bottom of the pecking order but it seems its getting worse, she has a few feather missing fro her neck and winds and her body feathers are "cut in half" so she is looking quite bedraggled a the moment.

ruby has a tendency to go to th chickens that are bullying her and let them peck her n pull feathers out he has a tendency to get under there feet , and when they do hurt her you can here her scream with her head bobbed right down to the floor with a backwards scrapping movement of her feet which isn't nice to watch .

what is the best way to deal with this as i have tried the pecking spray and i swear they love the taste.
i have brought ruby inside to give her a boost on food and protein to help her feathers grow back and am thinking about the beak peepers to stop the buff orps getting a grip on ruby , what else could i do as im sure they have enough space .

thank you for any information you can give me
Peepers might be a good idea. They may have enoough space, but on the other hand, they always appreciate more. The feather picking may indicate a need for more protein, particularly animal protein if you can. Distractions in the run and hiding places may help, things like a hanging cabbage or flock block. A second feeder and waterer may be needed as well. Sometimes a small foost or things to jump up on in the run help, too.
thank you
i will get some peepers and add more meet as i only tend to give then the od scraps of meat as i was not sure how much they should have as well as there pellets - i may try new pellets with more protein in them - does curly feathers indicate low protein as my buff orps tend to have lovely body feathers but the tail end tend to look a little curly .
the warrens on the other hand have lovely shiny feathers (exspecialy saphire)
i will build a hiding spots and blocks for them to stand on then see what happens .

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