Chicken Canker? Please Help!


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2019
I have a 5 or so y/o chicken named Granny. In the past couple of days Granny has developed a very foul smell and yellow cheese like gunk in the corners of her beak. She still eats and drinks but spits up most of it. She has lost a lot of weight. She still lays egg (even though she’s 5!) she is a great little girl and I would hate to loose her. I tried using a q-tip and peroxide to clean it away. It fizzed and bubbled so I think it helped. I’m not sure what exactly it is because it’s on the exterior part of the beak. Is there any low cost remedies to save my Granny, because I’ve lost to many chickens to unknown illnesses in the past. I’m really worried. Any help matters. I’ll take pictures of it tomorrow because she’s sleeping now. Thank you!
You'll need this medicine to treat the canker.

An antibiotic won't work on this disease since it's not bacterial. Have you examined the throat and inside of the mouth to see the extent of the plaque? Is this hen having trouble breathing? It sounds like the esophagus is blocked and that's why she's spitting food and water right back out, or it's painful.
Last night after putting hydrogen peroxide on the exposed areas and adding vet Rx to the water and forcing it down her throat I am happy to report the spit has gone down. This morning when I fed her she only spit once! I added more peroxide to the sides of the mouth and it started to crumble away. I couldnt get a good look into her mouth though. I added acv to the water and added some garlic. I hope she keeps improving!
I have a chicken I got from someone getting rid of her I didn’t notice until a few months later she had a horrible ear infection yellow gunk that smelled disgusting (possibly same bacteria) I tried every home remedy to treat it , cleaning with peroxide , antibiotic ear drops , everything I eventually brought her to the vet who prescribed her baytril injections for seven days. Well even this did not help her ear canker or infection whatever it was it was NOT going away. I got sick with strep throat even though I didn’t leave my farm or have contact with anyone I had a suspicion I got it from the bacteria from handling the chickens ear infection cleaning it daily. I was prescribe amoxicillin and my throat infection went away almost instantly . I decided to use my left over amoxicillin on my chicken 125 mg twice a day just dropped the piece of pill in her mouth. The infection was gone in 4 days.
This is very good news, indeed! I believe it indicates your hen is basically healthy and will recover. Keep up the care you've been giving.

As @micstrachan mentioned, copper sulfate, if you can get some, is a good preventative treatment when done on a schedule. 1/4 teaspoon acidified copper sulfate per gallon of water for 3 days once a month can prevent canker from recurring.
Administer antibiotics now. Below link shows the types of products we use for treating canker on pigeons, and I don't see why it wouldn't work with chickens, but I would check first.

Going forward, treat water with organic apple cider vinegar, about 1tbsp per liter of water. It's fine to offer this all the time IMO. I have found it is best to soak a bunch of garlic cloves in the ACV bottle to double the remedy (ACV + garlic in every drinker, plus birds love it). Until you are able to get this bird medication, get it water with apple cider vinegar in it, as it can help treat canker as well.
You'll need this medicine to treat the canker.

An antibiotic won't work on this disease since it's not bacterial. Have you examined the throat and inside of the mouth to see the extent of the plaque? Is this hen having trouble breathing? It sounds like the esophagus is blocked and that's why she's spitting food and water right back out, or it's painful.

Thank you for this! I will check her mouth again tomorrow. From what I saw today, it only looked like it was on the outside of the beak. Could she die from this because if her old age? I’m very worried because we are finally getting along. Granny has never liked me and would only stay 3 feet away from me at all times. Now she eats straight from my hand and likes me. The fishzole is very expensive for me (I’m only a teenager) is there anything else I could use? When I touch the “cheese” she winced a little. I’m very very scared and nervous. Thanks again!

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