Chicken Chased by a Dog

Moon Goddess

In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2018
I had my chickens out free-ranging today after I got home from work. My grandmother lives in another house on the property, and not realizing my chickens were out let their dog outside. At first he just ran off to do his thing, but then I saw him and grabbed his collar when he got near the birds. I was guiding him towards their house again when he pulled out of my grip and took off after one of my girls. She outran him about 300ft down the hill towards her run and coop, but instead of going in the gate to the run, she ran around it. He caught up to her and got a bite of feathers (I counted 9) from her tail. I was running and screaming at him like a madwoman trying to get him to stop and to catch up to them. I finally intercepted him and got him back up the hill to the house. Meanwhile, I saw my bird run off into the woods behind her coop. I got back down the hill and now she is nowhere to be seen. There was no blood or flesh on the pile of feathers I found, and she is a white chicken so I think I would have seen if she was bleeding while she ran into the woods. I searched for her for about half an hour but decided my crashing around probably only scared her more. Do you think she will come out of hiding or do you think she got lost? When the girls free range they usually don’t venture too far into the forest so I’m not sure if she’s familiar with them. I’m just nervous if she was injured and can’t get back, and it’s too cold at night for her to stay out. Should I keep looking, or just wait and hope she comes out on her own before dark?
I had my chickens out free-ranging today after I got home from work. My grandmother lives in another house on the property, and not realizing my chickens were out let their dog outside. At first he just ran off to do his thing, but then I saw him and grabbed his collar when he got near the birds. I was guiding him towards their house again when he pulled out of my grip and took off after one of my girls. She outran him about 300ft down the hill towards her run and coop, but instead of going in the gate to the run, she ran around it. He caught up to her and got a bite of feathers (I counted 9) from her tail. I was running and screaming at him like a madwoman trying to get him to stop and to catch up to them. I finally intercepted him and got him back up the hill to the house. Meanwhile, I saw my bird run off into the woods behind her coop. I got back down the hill and now she is nowhere to be seen. There was no blood or flesh on the pile of feathers I found, and she is a white chicken so I think I would have seen if she was bleeding while she ran into the woods. I searched for her for about half an hour but decided my crashing around probably only scared her more. Do you think she will come out of hiding or do you think she got lost? When the girls free range they usually don’t venture too far into the forest so I’m not sure if she’s familiar with them. I’m just nervous if she was injured and can’t get back, and it’s too cold at night for her to stay out. Should I keep looking, or just wait and hope she comes out on her own before dark?
If it was my hen I would be out there looking.
If she isn't back by dusk hopefully she'll go up a tree.
If she's used to free ranging her survival chances are pretty good and if hse gets through the nigh she will probably come back when it's light.
Okay of course she waits ten minutes after I post this and then comes strutting on out. Aside from a funky asymmetrical new tail ‘do she seems fine. I guess I worry too much about these cuties :)
I lost a cockbird I was very fond of once. After searching high and low for absolute ages I figured well, he's gone, and had a bit of a "moment"... Well, guess who decided to fall out of a tree not far from where I was standing? :rolleyes: And he was completely fine. I don't know why he was up there, or why he didn't respond when I walked under the tree, calling him...

I guess we can be forgiven for being dramatic when we have to put up with this nonsense! ;)
I am happy to hear about the survival of your gorgeous hen! One of my dogs (golden retrievers) tore up my Buff Orpington to where she was completely bare without any feathers. I thought for sure she dead but to my surprise she wasn't. The next day, I decided to put her back with the rest of the flock since she was top of the pecking order but the hens beat her up until there was blood all over. Luckily she survived, recovered and her feathers grew back in but she is the bottom of the pecking order now.
Pretty hen, glad she is OK. And so sorry that you got such a scare.

Sounds like you have some chicken training to do with your grandmas dog.

Any advice on chicken training a blue tick coon hound? He is probably the most stubborn dog I have ever met. My parents sent him to a 2 week board and train program with an electric collar and when he got home from that he figured out he doesn’t mind the shock anymore and still just does what he wants. I don’t prefer to use an electric collar on my dog but he’s half border collie and very attentive to my commands so I have no trouble with him anyway. I still generally don’t like the chickens and the dogs to be outside at the same time, but I guess my grandmother didn’t realize the chickens were out.
I am happy to hear about the survival of your gorgeous hen! One of my dogs (golden retrievers) tore up my Buff Orpington to where she was completely bare without any feathers. I thought for sure she dead but to my surprise she wasn't. The next day, I decided to put her back with the rest of the flock since she was top of the pecking order but the hens beat her up until there was blood all over. Luckily she survived, recovered and her feathers grew back in but she is the bottom of the pecking order now.
Wow! I’m amazed she survived. I’m sad she was reduced to the last rung on the pecking order, but she’s still lucky :)
I had 5 chickens killed by a dog that broke into their run while nobody was looking. Last I saw he was on leash and nowhere near the chickens but I guess his owner decided our request to have him leashed wasn’t necessary. Needless to say I built a taller and stronger fence and now have a paranoia about dogs near my chickens.

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