Chicken Coop construction UPDATED

River Lizard

10 Years
May 29, 2009
Varina, VA
Well I've started on the coop this morning. Poured 9 footings for the 10' x 16' coop. Went to Lowe's and picked up the supplies for the base and floor and started laying that out. Decided to take a break since the temps are in the upper 80's and I don't have any shade around the work area.
I'm hoping I have the joist set and most of the floor nailed down by late this evening, then it's another run to Lowe's for second layer of floor and a bunch of 2' x 4' s for building the walls. I'm hoping to get all four sides framed and covered by tomorrow evening and then Monday finish the framing for the roof and cover it. Then during the week I'll work on the inside with the nursery, nesting boxes, roost areas, doors and windows. I'm hoping to finish it by the end of next weekend and then start on the outdoor run.
I'll keep you posted and try to get some photos too.

Link to photos of the progress: River Lizard's Chicken Coop Project
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Good luck! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Thanks. I was hoping to be done with the floor today, well it didn't happen that way. I ran into a number of issues, some not related to the project but to my normal duties on our property. Had to cut a tree down and get rid of a flying ant problem on a dead pine stump.
I'm have the main frame set, so I'm going to run to Lowe's tomorrow morning and pick up a few more 2 x 6's to finish the joists and also pickup the second sub-flooring and the 2 x 4's for the walls. Figure the walls will take me about a day and a half at the rate I'm going right now.
But who knows, I might surprise myself tomorrow and get on a roll.

I'll post some photos tomorrow before I nail down the floor decking and then after I install the decking.
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Update, the second sub-floor is just about done, gotta make another run to Lowe's and pickup another sheet of flooring, several sheets of siding and also about 35- 2 x 4's to start framing the walls tomorrow.
I'm hoping now that I'm almost off my knees on this job and will be able to stand up to work on the walls, that I can go faster on the project.
I've taken a number of photos and later tonight I'll upload them and post them up.
Here's a few photos on my progress on the 10' x 16' coop:

Last photo is the final sub-floor primed with an oil based primer to seal it. I used treated plywood on the first layer of the sub-floor and then used chip board on the second.

Will be framing walls today and I hope I get at least 2 or 3 of them done today.
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Well I went out this morning and realized that the building wasn't square with my carport building.
I measured corner to corner only about 20 times while I nailed in the joists to make sure the coop was staying square but it didn't even dawn on me to check the squareness to the carport until this morning! Well I slid a rope under the end that needed to be moved some and hooked it to my Jeep and moved that end over about 2 inches and now it's lined up with the side of the carport.

Starting this morning to install the first wall where the entry door will be from the carport. Once I get that up then it's on to the 16' wall which I'm not looking forward to since I'm building the walls on the floor of the coop with the siding on them and then tilting them up into place from there and then nailing them down. Might have to call a few friends to swing by and help lift those 16' walls since I know they'll weigh a lot.
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Always have hamburger and beer....It's amazing who will show up!! Good luck. My DH is building our little coop this week and have already hit a couple of snags.
River Lizard, I hope this helps. The distance from your southwest corner to your northeast corner should be 18.867962 feet, same for the distance from your southeast corner to your northwest corner.

Pythagorean theorem:
"The sum of the square of the two sides of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypoteneuse."
i.e., A square + B square = C square

A = 10 10 square = 10x10 = 100
B= 16 16 square = 16x16 = 256

A square + B square = 356 = C square
The square root of C square is 18.867962 feet Therefore, C (hypoteneuse) = 18.867962
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I got that part down but I'm also trying to keep the coop lined up with the side of my carport too, which it wasn't but I resolved the problem by hooking a rope to the deck and moving it the 2 inches to have it squared up with the carport too.
I'll post photos later today when it's too hot to be out there; gotta have lunch right now and then head to Lowe's for the rest of the 2 x 4's I need to finish all the walls.

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