Chicken coop designs


In the Brooder
May 4, 2022
Hello chicken folks. Wow! This is a really great site. I am new to chicken farming but plan on introducing poultry education as part of our ag/science curriculum in a upstate NY middle school. We are in the process of designing and planning to build a chicken coop. My students and I decided on the This design allows us to have 20 chickens and it looks really good. Are there building plans for this design? I am a builder when I am not teaching so the build would be fairly easy and fun to do with my students. If necessary I can look at pictures and develop the plans from them. Can someone point me to where I can get these plans? I am happy to pay for them.
My students and I decided on the This design allows us to have 20 chickens and it looks really good. Are there building plans for this design?
For the run, probably no plans.
But the article calls it a "woods" coop, which is a reference to the book "Modern Fresh Air Poultry Houses" by Prince T. Woods.

You may be able to find it for free on the internet, or you can buy a republished copy (It was originally published around 1925, so it is out of copyright now.)

That book has some amount of plans, although I believe it is common to change them somewhat, to use the materials and sizes that are common and cheap now. Woods told how to make it with materials that were readily available then.

I am a builder when I am not teaching so the build would be fairly easy and fun to do with my students. If necessary I can look at pictures and develop the plans from them. Can someone point me to where I can get these plans? I am happy to pay for them.
I don't know if you want to make that part a class project too, but making the right plans from what is given in an old book might be an interesting lesson for the students.

Hi, you could try sending the author of the article @MiaS a PM to see if she has plans to share (she's still an active member).

Best of luck with your class project!
Hi, my plans were taken pretty much directly from the Woods book, improvising a bit for my pop door location and window sizing. The best I have is the images of my build. Sorry. The one thing that was a bit sketchy was that the book does not really show much of a header for under the upper windows to make sure you have enough support in that open area.
Hi, my plans were taken pretty much directly from the Woods book, improvising a bit for my pop door location and window sizing. The best I have is the images of my build. Sorry. The one thing that was a bit sketchy was that the book does not really show much of a header for under the upper windows to make sure you have enough support in that open area.

Thanks for responding, your coop is terrific!

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