Chicken dropped down stairs..

Informing you all bean is not doing well.
upon going downstairs to bean and vanilla, i see bean by the nesting box stairs on her side, legs spread out. she was very much alive, but who knows how long she had been there. Because of her balance thing, i imagine she fell coming down and couldnt get back up.her legs do not work, at all. She cannot walk without tumbling all over, (to her side and everything) i would even go as far to say they act like their paralyzed. Dont think its the case, but she surely cant walk or even move her legs.

I dont think theres much hope for her. She wont accept water or food either.
Informing you all bean is not doing well.
upon going downstairs to bean and vanilla, i see bean by the nesting box stairs on her side, legs spread out. she was very much alive, but who knows how long she had been there. Because of her balance thing, i imagine she fell coming down and couldnt get back up.her legs do not work, at all. She cannot walk without tumbling all over, (to her side and everything) i would even go as far to say they act like their paralyzed. Dont think its the case, but she surely cant walk or even move her legs.

I dont think theres much hope for her. She wont accept water or food either.
I'm very sorry to hear this.

Do you have someone that can help you put her out of her misery?
Thank you everyone for your help, i really appreciate it. Unfortunately i decided to euthanize her, she only was getting worse.

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