Chicken dying from mite infestation, help!

M Brennen

Jun 15, 2020
Northern Vermont
I currently have a bird dying of a severe mite infestation. She started with what appeared to be sour crop. I brought her inside and tried treating her for that. She stopped eating and I never realized she was so infested with mites i
until two weeks later when I was covered in them. I treated her and both my coops with Elector PSP. None of my other birds appear as dire as she does. It’s been 5 days since treatment and she is still completely covered in mites. Temperatures here are currently in the 20 degree range. Is there anything I can do for her?
What is in it? How does it compare with Elector PSP? Unfortunately, I fear by the time I get it, it will be too late for my sick bird.
I can’t remember right off the top of my head I will have to go get the bottle. I’ve had birds with serious mites before apply the drops and they fall off in your hand. It’s the best mite control I’ve ever used. I’ve tried permethrin 10 seven dust frontline spray adams spray and it by far last the longest. But if she does still appear to have sour crop
Issues bread with yogurt is your best bet. It’ll put good bacteria in her gut.
I can’t remember right off the top of my head I will have to go get the bottle. I’ve had birds with serious mites before apply the drops and they fall off in your hand. It’s the best mite control I’ve ever used. I’ve tried permethrin 10 seven dust frontline spray adams spray and it by far last the longest. But if she does still appear to have sour crop
Issues bread with yogurt is your best bet. It’ll put good bacteria in her gut.
I tried all of that to get her to eat. She hasn’t really eaten in a couple weeks. I first suspected sour crop, then cancer, and now she is literally covered in mites. She is weak and very very thin. I really don’t know how she is still alive. I was going to take her to be euthanized tomorrow, but don’t want all those mites in the car. I can’t believe she is still so covered after I treated her Wednesday.
If she won’t eat I’d take the bread and yogurt and break it up in small prices and put it down her I’ve seen yogurt and bread bring some back from the dead it works.

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